Not so good cold?

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Quantum freak

Active Member
Aug 30, 2012
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Hey all,

Had my dry hopped wherry in the bottle for 2 weeks now after 10 days in primary and 5 in secondary.
I put a couple of bottles in the fridge this morning for when I came home from work, anyway when I cracked the cold ones open the aroma was very strong and it didnt taste as good as a room temp or slightly cool bottle?

Is it normal for them to taste better at room temp or is it the dry hopping that has caused this?

Thanks guys :cheers:
ale should be served at cellar temperature - not cold, not warm :) it brings out the esters, one of the reasons lager tastes plain is because it's cool :thumb:
I think Ales are suposed to be served at around 13c so are cool but not cold, as said above this alows the flavours to come through better.
I have found lagers and IPA's are nice served chilled 2c to 5c (not sure if this is because i drink them on hot/warm days) and Ales/Bitters better at around 13c to 18c.
Just my preferances so no technical reason behind it. ;)