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May 8, 2010
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Right not sure where to post this but as it happens to be the base for lots of brew kits here go's
I've just been on

now I've used for a number of items no problem there.....but how the hell do you buy from the French site as you have to log on...I did try my uk name & password..but was not surprised that it did not work..and you can not join the French site as your address wont work

Any idea's I like the looks of the 100 L pots...

I never drink water because of the disgusting things that fish do in it.
W. C. Fields
If your after some 100ltr pot's I use nordic alot of the time, you need to email them directly. But if your close to Tamworth I can order some on my next order and you can save some postage I can get them to me for around £47ea, if you look on Ebay they want around £55.

Pm me if you want Nadines Email or any thing else
Just the question I wask asking myself. Since I have ruined my Brupaks enamelled boiler by dropping something in it and chipping it (it is coated in a vitreous enamel apparently - too much hassle to re-coat! :evil: ), I figured I might as well take the plunge and upgrade to full shiny status. :cool:

I am after a staight conversion to produce 23L at a time since I can only fit a 23L batch in my fermentation fridge, and a shiny conical is a step too far....or is it.... :hmm:

I have sent you a PM MD.

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