Nordic Pots

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Jul 28, 2008
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The Emerald Isle
I'm not sure how many of you have this problem but when i went to use my Nordic 70 L kettle for the second time it was showing a ring of rust inside about 30 - 40 mm from the bottom all the way around. I have some 5 gallon ss pots from china and i never had a problem so i'm inclined to think it's not my fault? :hmm:
The only difference in the set up between both systems is that i am using copper and brass inside this kettle but surely the weaker metals would corrode first if this was the problem?
Yep my newer Nordic pots had the same problem at first and I've seen one other person report it.
I've stopped it by drying my pots thoroughly and storing without there lids on, before putting away which has prevented it re-occuring so far....touch wood !
Yep...Most of my pots are like that..they appear to be welded about 25mm from the bottom and that is where they rust.
I've only just noticed you guys are talking at the bottom of the pots :shock:

The bad news is that the new pots show a rust ring about half way up the pot, not near the weld at the bottom :(
Vossy1 said:
I've only just noticed you guys are talking at the bottom of the pots :shock:

The bad news is that the new pots show a rust ring about half way up the pot, not near the weld at the bottom :(

Ahh..No none of my post are showing that phenomenon.


That's POTS
Sounds like the chrome content of the stainless is low leading to minimal oxide layer which can be scratched through easily. Providing you dry them thoroughly after cleaning and store in dry conditions then the oxide layer will reform and protect the steel.
eskimobob said:
Sounds like the chrome content of the stainless is low leading to minimal oxide layer which can be scratched through easily. Providing you dry them thoroughly after cleaning and store in dry conditions then the oxide layer will reform and protect the steel.

Good to know :thumb: