Hi all, new to this fantastic hobby. Made a kit, loved it and now making another. First kit bubbled liked crazy; a Woodfordes Wherry. Made exactly to the guide and was a nice to drink. So I decided to give a Newki Sweet a go. Put all in the fv and used wilko gervin yeast instead of the one that came with the tin. I have a bubbler in the lid (made a hole and the airlock in held in place with a rubber bung) but noted it didn’t bubble. I left it for 3 days and the curiosity got the better of me so, after reading the forum, took a peak. The krausen was thick and up to the lid. I assumed therefore the gas was finding an easier way to escape, maybe a slight gap in the lid. As I had lots of krausen figured I had the all important fermentation. It’s been 7 days and I still have a layer of krausen although very thin and the hydrometer is reading 1020. The kit says it should go down to 1008 although I see some suggest lots such of these might not get much below 1010. I used Wilkos brewing sugar with this batch. I see lots of people suggesting patience to be the key so the question is should I leave it for another week before bottling up and does this sound like it’s going well!? Any help greatly appreciated! Ad