I tackled my first kit yesterday - a wherry using one of the microbrewery kits.
I followed the instructions to the letter but I just noticed that when it came time to add the yeast my instructions say 'add the yeast and place lid on fermenting vessel'.
I added the yeast, then stirred it in before placing the lid on - was this a mistake and if so, has it ruined my kit?
Also, what should I be looking for to see that it is working? I put it together at about 3pm yesterday and by 10:30pm there appeared to be nothing happening. Should I be concerned?
Sorry for all of the questions.
I followed the instructions to the letter but I just noticed that when it came time to add the yeast my instructions say 'add the yeast and place lid on fermenting vessel'.
I added the yeast, then stirred it in before placing the lid on - was this a mistake and if so, has it ruined my kit?
Also, what should I be looking for to see that it is working? I put it together at about 3pm yesterday and by 10:30pm there appeared to be nothing happening. Should I be concerned?
Sorry for all of the questions.