Newbie Bottle question

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Active Member
Mar 22, 2011
Reaction score
Hello folks
I am new to this and having wanted to brew a for ages last night I decided to go for it....
So now the flurry of question begin :wha:
I'm sure you folks get asked this alot but here goes
I am considering the secondary fermentation process and by the end of the week I am expecting to syphon my brew into a new vessel,
however I have got 5 gallons on the go.... and havent really thought about what to use.... :oops:
I have read that I could use plastic bottles..however I have know idea what kind of pressure to expect and what an average plastic bottle can withstand....
I am brewing a yorkshire bitter ready mixed recepie...cant remember the make..
and I am on a budget lock down (no money) so am looking for a cheap solution...

all the best
Hey dickie, plastic bottles should be fine I have just bottled my first ever brew into 11 Tesco own brand sparkling water bottles. For 11 it cost me around £1.76 so not breaking the bank. They should in theory stand up to the pressure as they are designed for it.

Hope this helps

Most excellent
Seems obvious as the contents are carbonated..
Thanks for that.
I noticed some comments on the need for darkened bottles.. are you rapping anything around them? Could it lead to a spoilt batch if I don’t keep them out of the light enough?
I have heard light can turn the brew an off colour. Right now my bottles are under my desk with a 2 towels wrapped round them for warmth but afterwards I will just cover them with something until I can find somewhere cold and dark to put them in
Exposure to light can cause "skunking", which is where compounds from the hops react badly with light, causing nasty flavours so it's not really the colour you should be worried about. Any beer stored in clear bottles should be stored out of the light, i.e in a box until drinking ;)