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Jul 26, 2011
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I decided to get myself some new equipment! I went for a 36 liter pot with a tap. To get this thing going, i decided to go all in on the electrical part, a Caso PRO3500 induction top. I gave it a little test run just to see if everything works, and how fast it was able to get water to boil. Holy S*** this thing is powerful. :thumb:

In not too long, i'll brew with it. An American brown ale. so excited!

And, we all love this.. so.. Pictures!
As you can see, the obligatory brew day banana makes an appearance in this picture.

thats a neat induction top ! :thumb:

Come on brew pictures next !
Nice looking kit.

I know nothing about induction heating, is there something special about the pot or is just normal stainless steel?
Induction is based on magnetism. As long as the pot is "thick bottomed" and magnetic, it should work. The brilliant thing about induction, is that the pot itself becomes the heat source. Instead of heating up a stove, that then transfer its heat into the pot, it goes straight to the pot! With loads of power in this case :)
Wow - looks great - does it have a max weight it can handle? I had a quick Google and they are not cheap - would it be rude to ask where you got it from and how much you paid?
In the user manual its stated that it can take 10kgs i think. That is just a redicilous statement from the manufacturer to be on the safe side if a customer were to screw up. This is model is commonly used with heavy duty 50L pots... I got it from for about £240.
Interesting, but a little too expensive for me I think. I have a 70L pot as well which might be a little large for such a thing. Loks very cool though, and really useful to be able to move it around and brew pretty much anywhere with power. I'll probably end up with a gas burner at some point, but they are rather limiting as to where you can use them.

:thumb: Good shiny!
Algernon said:
Interesting, but a little too expensive for me I think. I have a 70L pot as well which might be a little large for such a thing. Loks very cool though, and really useful to be able to move it around and brew pretty much anywhere with power. I'll probably end up with a gas burner at some point, but they are rather limiting as to where you can use them.

:thumb: Good shiny!

Since you mention using it everywhere. The thing you should be aware of with these thing, is that they use quite allot of power, and you need to plug it into a 16A wall socket. I live in an old house, so there are few proper sockets to be found, and the ones that i can use is placed at really awkward spots. You can use an extension cord on it, but it should not be longer than 3 meters. I didn't know this wen i bought it :doh: but luckily it worked out with the cord. So be sure to check that out before you buy one!

i would like a gas burner so i can brew outside, but 50% of the year is really cold and full of snow, so an electrical system was way more practical.
Snowing outside? Ha! You should just invite me over - I made it rain for Christmas when I went to Tromso a few years back. Fun trip though, toured the world's most northerly brewery (Mack Brewery - Tromso) and sampled their ludicrously expensive and not terribly good beer. I don't blame you for brewing your own. How do you stand legally on homebrew out there? I know they tax the crap out of sales of beer etc.
Algernon said:
Snowing outside? Ha! You should just invite me over - I made it rain for Christmas when I went to Tromso a few years back. Fun trip though, toured the world's most northerly brewery (Mack Brewery - Tromso) and sampled their ludicrously expensive and not terribly good beer. I don't blame you for brewing your own. How do you stand legally on homebrew out there? I know they tax the crap out of sales of beer etc.

You went to the wrong brewery mate! We got the kings of craft brew here "Nøgne Ø" followed by craft breweries like Kinn, Haandbryggeriet and Ægir. Its difficult for me to brew something that i prefer more than beer from those guys.

I have decided to NOT brew to save money, but to make my own tasty quality product. Perfectly legal to brew at home here, and the hobby has really grown the last couple of years. We got a nice amount of suppliers of malts hops and equipment, and people are starting to get the idea that everybody got the skills to brew beer.

The beers here are pricey, but I'm fine with it. i drink beer like lots of people drink wine. Not too often, not too much and really focusing on the details in the flavors and aromas. A 0,5 bottle of Nøgne here, is between £6 - £12, but then again, i don't bring 6 of these to a party to get drunk. I slowly enjoy every-single-drop :thumb:
Vossy1 said:
Its difficult for me to brew something that i prefer more than beer from those guys.
Give it time and patience R and there's no good reason why you shouldn't be able to make beer of exactly the same quality :cool:

This is true! Lots of my small batches are really enjoyable, but lets say if my beer and one of those beers was at my local, for the same price, i would chose the other one. Its just a small extra detail of something in theirs. Cannot exactly point out what it is tho.
Just looked up Nogne beers locally - they do a tempting imperial stout I can get from just down the road for £8.50 for 500ml.
I'd say it's pricey, but I did once pay a tenner for a bottle of Bitch Please so I am prepared to fork out for something special now and again.
As for not being able to beat their beers - I am sure you will one day. Practice makes perfect. Have you tried contacting them to see if you could do a brewery tour or a even a brewday - you never know, they might give you some hints.
Algernon said:
Just looked up Nogne beers locally - they do a tempting imperial stout I can get from just down the road for £8.50 for 500ml.

The Nøgne Imperial Stout is my all-time favorite year-round production ale, i find it amazing in every way. Taste does of course differ from person to person, but go for it!

Edit: A little link to ratebeer about it: ... out/49092/
They also did a brilliant barrel aged edition of it: ... 12/198023/
I was denied the chance to try the stout - had to make do with the imperial brown ale instead. It was an excellent beer though! I'm glad to have discovered Nøgne Ø beers :-)
(I even learned how to pronounce it!)
Algernon said:
I was denied the chance to try the stout - had to make do with the imperial brown ale instead. It was an excellent beer though! I'm glad to have discovered Nøgne Ø beers :-)
(I even learned how to pronounce it!)

Nice :)
I had the Imperial Brown ages ago, but i have to say, its not one of my favorite Nøgne beers.