New dog

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Jun 2, 2012
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Radstock Nr Bath
Well last night having seen an advert online (and after checking the local dogs home didn't have any suitable dogs) I went to see misty. Her owner had bought her on a whim about 10 days ago and soon realised that she was unable to take care of her. No need to make comments on that the girl was clearly feeling very guilty. I and daughter (11) fell in love with Misty there and then and thought she would make a super companion for Rosie my 2 year old Chocolate Lab, so she came home with us.

Misty is a Labrador cross Cocker Spaniel 15 weeks old and I'm trying to establish what training, if any, she has had. I'm getting an occasional sit and down but I am not so sure that she knows the words or whether its my movements which are prompting hers.

I doubt she came from a breeder, more likely 2 gun dogs that had a liaison, the girl had seen both parents (the Cocker must have stood on a box) and was told that Misty had been vaccinated but didn't receive any vet cards so on advice from my vet she is having her jabs (maybe again, maybe not) on Wednesday.

Here is a pic of her and Rosie in my office the lucky girls get to come to work with me albeit they have to be on a lunge in case someone dog unfriendly person comes in.


I suspect I shall be sleeping downstairs again tonight, as she was crying if left alone last night. Only to be expected as she settles in though.
:clap: Always good to have a new arrival in the house.
And good on you for taking in an unwanted pet......both of our dogs are rescues.

Good luck :)
Awwww! Very nice!

Jeltz said:
Her owner had bought her on a whim about 10 days ago and soon realised that she was unable to take care of her. No need to make comments on that the girl was clearly feeling very guilty.

What? None at all? Not even, "Nice to see someone that can admit their mistakes and try to ensure that things turn out for the best for the poor animal who can't influence the situation AND feel remorse for making a poor judgement"? :hat: to her I say.
Looks nice, although I can't see much cocker in there. Hopefully the toilet training comes from the lab bit. Our lab was toilet trained in about 2 weeks. Our current cocker took six months!!!!!!
Nice dog. I have a six month old springer spaniel and man he is energetic. Great pet though and keeps you active

Certainly don't miss the first few weeks of being up 3 times a night to let him out to pee!!

Here is afore mentioned mad dog

IMG_0688 by liamtmt7, on Flickr
bobsbeer said:
Looks nice, although I can't see much cocker in there. Hopefully the toilet training comes from the lab bit. Our lab was toilet trained in about 2 weeks. Our current cocker took six months!!!!!!

It's upbringing rather than breed, I think. My aunt is a puppy-parent for disability assistance dogs (which means she does the socialisation, care and basic training from 8 weeks up to around 18 months). Her first was a black lab who'd had access to an outside run as a newborn, so had learned to relieve himself in a dedicated toileting area before he arrived. There were a few accidents during the first week or so, but after that he was fine. Her current puppy, also a black lab, had never been outside before she got him, and has since proven able to produce a quite phenomenal amount of urine up to six times an hour. We have all learned to stare at our feet as we walk around.
She looks a cracker, I'm sure she will settle soon with another dog in the house. I agree about toilet training being about upbringing, our most recent boy now a 10 month old boxer was born into rescue and the lady that had them as puppys really knew what she was doing. We brought him home at 8 weeks old, by 9 weeks he was scratching on the door to go out, we only had one accident at night.

Times moved on and he can now clear the kitchen worktop of any food and also open the freezer, he had frozen hash browns and salami for his midnight feast last week.
Well she's settling in and her and Rosie are getting along nicely, but to make matters even more complicated Rosie had just come into season! Another pic of them having a kip this time.

Lovely looking dogs all of them. (including the mad Springer. I've had 3 Springers from my childhood years to very recently and they were all bonkers but absolutely beautiful dogs lol)
Great to see that Misty has a good role model in Rosie. Pups do pick up traits from the older dog and if the older dog is well behaved there's a good chance the pup will follow suit.
Well I may as well put a pic up of my 2 Labs while I'm about it. (Any excuse eh...) Penny 7 year old yellow and Milo 2 year old black.

Jeltz said:
Well she's settling in and her and Rosie are getting along nicely, but to make matters even more complicated Rosie had just come into season! Another pic of them having a kip this time.


Showed this photo to the wife Nic, made her go Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.
Runwell-Steve said:
Time you got a dog then Dennis. There will be a big Dogs Trust local soon so no excuses;)

After our Alsatian died of cancer many years ago we decided not to get another as it was so heartbreaking. However we did succumb to the kids wishes when they were young and bought a first cross lab. Unfortunately the other half of the cross turned out to be Irish wolfhound, big, mad and uncontrollable. The kids were around 3 and 5 at the time and he became a danger to them so we had to re-home him.
Smashing looking dogs, and plaudits for taking in waifs and strays! Both our mutts were unwanted - a terrier that the wife rescued after she was thrown from a moving van, covered in paint and wounds, and a rottweiler from the dogs trust that no one wanted because he was a rottweiler and he was old, had been starved and had half his teeth missing. Would love a gun dog for when I go out shooting but just don't have the room!
Very sweet J :cool: Our older dog (now 11) trained our younger one (now 3) to toilet outside, that and the fact the younger female likes over marking the older male :lol: :roll:
Showed this photo to the wife Nic, made her go Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.
Guess what my swimbo will be doing later...ahhh :lol:
Awww, lovely! I have a 6 year old black lab girl and a 4 year old lab cross collie boy who was a rescue at 13 weeks. Took my Lab girl a while to get used to the little whippersnapper bounding noisily into her life but they are firm friends now!

Have fun!

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