New Boiler Plans

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New Member
Sep 24, 2008
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Hi Guys

My current boiler is giving me all sorts of grief - the element keeps on cutting out (I blame Ian for cleaning it so well, the shock did the poor thing in).

Any ways - myself & Ian have decided that a boiler would be a good DIY project. We are thinking of trying to get a nordic 50 or 70 ltr stock pot (If they ever post one again), drill and fit a couple of elements (the current one element is just too slow), and maybe we'll clad the thing in camping mat.

It would be nice to have something shiney, but the double element, extra capacity and the sturdy handles will make a real difference (moving one of those plastic boilers is not for the faint hearted).

Just wondered if any of you guys had any thoughts, advice, experience, project web diaries etc you could share...

I had started thinking a thermo box might be good, but that double skin thing worries me, I'll be luck not to stuff up with just a single skin pot!

Cheers & ttfn benm
I'm going with a full thermobox pilot plant . . . You are right its not for the faint hearted :D

If you can get Burco or Swan boiler elements, they mount through the flat base of the TB which is a much easier proposition than the side walls . . . OK you are restricted to 3KW, although in a 80L TB I would bet that you could get two in positioned to one side of the TB away from the tap, then a hop filter on the other side.

I would/will use a Hole saw on the outside skin, and then an appropriate sized QMax punch to cut the inner holes, it's not as easy to mess up with a QMax punch ;)
I have used the Q Max hole puncher and i can verify that they are idiot proof

Well Qmax it is for me then !

So your using a TB as a boiler then, not just a regular stock pot - why? Its not like a mashtun where you need to preserve heat so much - though on that thought maybe with all that insulation 3kw may be enough?

ttfn benm
BenMcBen said:
So your using a TB as a boiler then, not just a regular stock pot - why? Its not like a mashtun where you need to preserve heat so much - though on that thought maybe with all that insulation 3kw may be enough?

I brew outside, and even with the femto 20L plant a 3Kw element will take too long to heat up the wort in a regular stainless vessel . . . (I already know this, I have a 60L stainless Boiler with a 3KW and a 2.7Kw element in it ;) ) . . . . . without a lot of insulation . .. I could faf about insulating a bot, but with the inevitable spills, splashes and boil overs it eventually goes mouldy and has to be replaced. . . . The thermoboxes are ideal for this, as a quick spray down with the pressure washer and they will be good to go.

In fact with the insulation, 3Kw will be too much once a boil is reached so I am going to fit a Burst fire controller to it all to be able to turn the intensity of the boil down