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Active Member
Sep 4, 2012
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started the donner and blitzen kit yesterday

did two cans and put in bucket stired vigerously and there was a nice froth on top checcked temp 18 degrees so added yeast and sealed did not stir in yeast

the had to move bucket in to shed immersion heater already in bucket

checked today now theres no froth is it ok and no signs of the yeast
If its only been a day then I wouldnt worry too much, it will take a couple days to get going fully altough if its in the shed I may worry about the temp being too low? Give it 2/3 days more if still no action (you should see a brownish ring form around the top of your brew bucket and bubbles in your air lock if you have one) then open up, give it a gentle stir (with a steralised spoon or such like) and leave for a few more days...
It will be fine. What temp do you have the heater set at? It can take up to 48 hours for fermentation to start.

Couple of tips, if it is on a concrete floor put a towel or blanket under the FV, try and keep temp 18-20C and allow it to ferment for 2 weeks rather than the prescribed 7days.
its on a piece of wood inside the shed on the wooden shed floor
had to move to shed as no room anymoor where was
the temp is set to 20 degrees with immersion heater
when went and looked earlier test bucket temp and was 19 inside
i do have a brew belt but not keen on it instructions say between 17 and 25

will check tommorow evening and if nothings changed will give a gentle stir
also first reading was 1035 not 1040 like kit stated