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Oct 23, 2021
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Rhondda Valleys
I started off a MYO IPA kit last Wednesday. According to the instructions I’m supposed to let it ferment for 10 days, adding the hops on day 7. I’m sure though I’ve seen some posts on here where contributors have advised to ignore the instructions and just opt for 2 weeks fermenting (not sure when the hops should go in!), syphon either into bottles or a barrel and then leave in a warm place followed by at least 2 weeks in a cool place before sampling.

Does this ring any bells please? I ask because I tried to find this advice on here, but couldn’t and I’m sure I didn’t imagine it!
The forums are full of threads saying 2 + 2 + 2 weeks. It's best practice arrived at by consensus of many homebrewers over many years.

The kit instructions are for best case, optimum temperature & rushing to get it complete in the shortest time with a sales pitch of "make your own beer in 3 weeks" or similar.

Don't rush it, allow the yeast to clean up & a few more days for the sediment to settle before bottling.

If this is your first brew you.might even want to do a few bottles with different quantities of carbonating sugar so you can work out what level.of carbonation works for you in future brews.
Just don't put too much in & remember to mark the bottles so you know for next time.

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