around ten or so years ago when me and my friend were 15 we were 'jumped' for our money by three men aged around 25 as we had just been to a cash machine.
after receiving two blows to the face I looked up to see two of them running away and one on the floor screaming with a compound break to the arm.
As someone took a swing towards my friend he grabbed the assailants arm with his left hand and made a sharp hit with his right arm essentially forcing the assailants arm to the opposite way of his elbow..... shattering it, the two men that were attempting to floor me then concentrated on my friend, the first man went to throttle him and received broken fingers after my friend snapped his hands back and the last guy ran after receiving a pretty severe blow to the face.
Thinking back it all sounds surreal.... I remember walking to the police station down the road to tell them we had been jumped and had to use self defence. the police called an ambulance for us and we told them the location of the attacker and said he would most probably need an ambulance too.
After everything died down we heard that the chap with the broken arm tried to press charges against us, however with cctv in our favour and the fact that we reported it straight away and his two friends ran off and never reported anything (one was found in A and E the same night for broken fingers) nothing came of it. there was a newspaper article about it somewhere too.
my friend told me his dad taught him everything he knew........ to this day i still dont know what his dad does!!!