My first brew reaults

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New Member
Jun 7, 2012
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Hi folks new here

Just opened the first bottle not too sure about the taste at the min

It's a coopers beer kit but tastes a bit cidery if that makes sense

Forced it down but not sure if it's infected because after loads of research and visiting my local brew shop!! I brought there kit and they said you don't need a air lock just place the lid on the bucket but don't snap it down!!

I think
It's let some air in adm infected the brew

But have started a new one with a airlock!!

Any tips I know it's vague but I'm new to all this and sorry for the spelling!!


Kev baugh ( Boffy ) :drink: :hmm: :hmm:
Don't think you can infect by letting air in through a loose lid. The co2 will sit on top of the beer. I am on my third brew and don't use air lock just lid.
Still a newbie mysef but I will offer what I can.

I use an airlock simply because I tried slipping just a lid on and my wife complained of beer smell all the time. With an airlock she is happy.... Go figure.

How long did you let the beer mature. I did a cheap lager kit and that tasted strange, not off just strange, when I had a sneaky taste as I was bottling. A week later it started tasting like lager. 2 weeks later and it is lager lol. Also which coopers kit did you use. I have tried a few, a friend uses coopers, and I know one of them, I think the mexican one, did have a cidery taste to it as it matured.
Hi Boffy,

There's always a chance of getting an infection, anytime, anywhere. I've been brewing for a few years now and I lost a brew last month. It's a steep learning curve when it comes to home brewing at the start, just take your time read up on the "how to" section.
If your brew does taste "funny" it's possible that it has gone off. As you've started another one just be careful whenever you open the lid, take a sample, or when the time comes to bottle or keg, O2 is a wonderful thing but you don't want it anywhere near your brew at the end... :pray:
Dont think you have an infection. People often mention the cidery taste. Not sure if its a coopers thing but both the kits a friend did tasted that way to me....
critty said:
...I use an airlock simply because I tried slipping just a lid on and my wife complained of beer smell all the time. With an airlock she is happy.... Go figure.

They're priceless aren't they :!:
Cidery flavors can have several causes but are often the result of adding too much sugar to a recipe. One component of a cidery flavor is acetaldehyde which has a green-apple character. It is a common fermentation byproduct and different yeasts will produce different levels of it depending on the recipe and temperature. Cidery flavors are encouraged by warmer than normal temperatures and can be decreased by storing cool for a week or two.
If it is caused by aceto bacteria, then there is nothing to be done about it. Keep the fruit flies away from the fermentor next time.
orlando said:
Cidery flavors can have several causes but are often the result of adding too much sugar to a recipe. One component of a cidery flavor is acetaldehyde which has a green-apple character. It is a common fermentation byproduct and different yeasts will produce different levels of it depending on the recipe and temperature. Cidery flavors are encouraged by warmer than normal temperatures and can be decreased by storing cool for a week or two.
If it is caused by aceto bacteria, then there is nothing to be done about it. Keep the fruit flies away from the fermentor next time.

I'll chill em for a couple of weeks in me garage see how they turn out

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