Bearing that in mind do you think I need to do something to the above coopers to make it sweeter and for me at least more enjoyable?
Thanks again Tony
In my opinion there is not a lot you can do at this stage to make your current brew sweeter. Dumping more table sugar into it will only make it drier and thinner.
Next time you need to introduce some unfermentable sugars into your brew, by steeping some crystal malt grains or selecting a brew enhancer with a high level of maltodextrin.
You won't go far wrong by steeping say 150g light crystal malt in about one litre of water for 30 mins at about 65*C, filter off wort, sparge with water at about 85*C and then boil wort for 15 minutes to sterilise before adding to your FV.
And Coopers Brew Enhancers come in 3 types
Brew Enhancer 1 - 60% dextrose, 40% maltodextrin
Brew Enhancer 2 - 50% dextrose, 25% maltodextrin, 25% light dry malt
Brew Enhancer 3 - 50% light dry malt, 30% dextrose, 20% maltodextrin
As far as I am aware maltodextrin does not ferment out, but is there for 'mouthfeel', whereas dextrose and dry malt do ferment fully.
You could also try using all DME/spray malt which might also imnprove the taste compared to sugar.
Finally if you are not very keen on hoppy beers you might try Coopers Canadian Blonde which is a very light beer and although not to my liking may just be to yours.