Muntons premium Gold - Midas Touch (Ruined or not?)

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Feb 14, 2012
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I made up this kit earlier today and unfortunately followed my usual kit method (not the instructions on the box) which was to boil up 3 litres of water in a big pot and then add the contents of the cans to the boiling water until fully dissolved.

I then read the packet which has an "important note" which says specifically NOT to do that!

Doh! Have I ruined this kit?!
That's what I use to do years back, I did Muntons and did the same as you and never had a problem. As long as the brew was at the correct temp for when you pitch your yeast I think you'll be ok....fingers crossed for you... :pray:
Yeah it was 20c when pitched last night and when I looked this morning its started bubbling away. Was more worried about the taste more than anything...sound like it'll be ok though! :)
There could be a taste issue, but I've not done a kit or extract brew for yonks. Thinking about it a little more, I can remember boiling an extract brew with extra hops, and it's only extract from a tin. :wha:
From the instructions of a kit I started Sunday -

" the opinion of Brupak is that a short boil of 5 or 10 mins. is beneficial in that it ensures sterilisation of the wort and allows the brewer to increase hop bitterness,flavour & aroma by the addition of extra hops. Boils for more than 10 mins. can cause problems with clarity "
Pearlfisher said:
From the instructions of a kit I started Sunday -

" the opinion of Brupak is that a short boil of 5 or 10 mins. is beneficial in that it ensures sterilisation of the wort and allows the brewer to increase hop bitterness,flavour & aroma by the addition of extra hops. Boils for more than 10 mins. can cause problems with clarity "

Well there you go Conon, you didn't boil the extract as such, just dropped it into boiling water which would have gone off a little as you added the I would not worry, you'll sleep tonight. :clap:
Odd that

a) Muntons advise against boiling extract
b) Brupaks advise you to boil it.

when Brupaks extract is made by Muntons
Apart from driving off volatiles which may have been added by Muntons (eg hop aroma oils) you are unlikely to have done any serious damage . . . In fact that is probably the only reason not to do a short boil with a kit.

I need to contact Muntons (and Probably Brupaks as well), along with a couple of others I know, just to find out how kits are made. I have my suspicions, but don't really want to say too much here but I suspect that the vast majority of kits are made up using extracts directly rather than a single wort boiled down under vacuum, then isomerised hop extract and hop aroma oils are added before packaging. So it is unlikely that the kit has actually received any boiling at atmospheric pressure. . . . However I can say no more :whistle: :whistle:
I went out earlier today and when I came back I saw this!



I think it'll be alright :party:
Did you see my other thread regarding this brew?


I think I need an exorcist!!!! I keep shouting "the power of christ compels you!" at it but its not listening!!!