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Jul 11, 2011
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Registration has started, please sign up and join the hairy ninjas!

Ok I am a little early but thought I would get in there now!

Prostate cancer is a subject very close to my heart. I have lost two family members to it, my father has to get regular checks just incase due to it running in the family and one day I may even get it.

As with all cancers it is a horrible painful illness but this one effects men only.

In light of this Movember was started and is an international event. It is to sponsor someone to grow a Mo (moustache) for the whole of november. I will be again partaking in this and will be heading up a team of people doing the same.

Last year we raised £583 between 3 of us

Funniest bit though is although I have brown beard grows ginger!!!!

And a quick picture of last year's Mo:


This year I will be going for one curled up my cheeks!!!

So, you may ask, why are you wanting from me?

At the Moment I am not asking for cash, just YOUR FACE!

I want YOU to be part of the Hairy Ninjas. Please help us with our cause, we need likeminded people to join our team and help us to raise much needed cash for Prostate and Testicular Cancers. Last year Movember as a whole raised £11.7million in the Uk and £48.6million worldwide.

Anyone interested please let me know, only 42 and a bit days left to get permission from the Mrs!

This year I will be going for something like this, although more defined :) (that is a week's growth)


Cheers in advance,

Nearly forgot about Movember. i'm pretty sure you have to start growing your "mo" from the beggining of November. thats at least how me and friends have done it. i will be participating this year again!
yes indeed - clean shaven on the last day of October.

the thing that would get me would be having to shave every single day to keep it classified as a moustache.
I normally only shave about once a week.
We always do Movember at my sport club. Unfortunately my mo is pretty pathetic and I do end up look like some sleezy porn star! But then again, if dor a good cause....