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Best of luck with your bid......I would like to get a couple more cornies but it's space and the memsahib keeps a close eye on me. :rofl: :rofl:
2 of these are a Christmas present from swmbo, 2 from myself. Actually she's pretty understanding about the brewing ( I think it has something to do with gallons of Wurzels), I've even been told I can convert the garage into my own little brewery!!!!!!
keith1664 said:
2 of these are a Christmas present from swmbo, 2 from myself. Actually she's pretty understanding about the brewing ( I think it has something to do with gallons of Wurzels), I've even been told I can convert the garage into my own little brewery!!!!!!

Thats how it starts and before you know it the garage has been turned into you own BIG brewery. My garage has been given over to my obsession with the exception of a corner that stores the bikes. :cool:
It's the annual storm season in Queensland now and we get hailstones the size of golf balls that can destroy cars in seconds and SWMBO has started parking the Mazda2 in the Brewery :x - nearly dinged a couple of my cornies yesterday. Roll on the monsoon when we don't get hail and I can park the car back out in the rain where it belongs. :twisted:
31bb3 said:
You do realise that 4 cornies will soon end up ahving families of their own if left unattended :rofl:

Oh yes, I can see the cornie family expanding but that's fine with me cos I hate bottling!

Bribie said:
It's the annual storm season in Queensland now and we get hailstones the size of golf balls that can destroy cars in seconds and SWMBO has started parking the Mazda2 in the Brewery :x - nearly dinged a couple of my cornies yesterday. Roll on the monsoon when we don't get hail and I can park the car back out in the rain where it belongs. :twisted:

No, cars live outside. I just need to find somewhere else to store all the sh*te that clutters the garage.... oh and sort out electrics, water, drainage, shiney :D ..... it may be a long term project!
Yes, 4 cornies is just a tease, I'm up to 10 so far. Here's a tip, up to now I've been using second hand ones which all seem to come from the USA stamped "Kansas city soda company" etc, and they are varied quality in terms of scratches and dents. Lately my supplier has obtained a container load from Germany - quite old because they are stamped "Made in West Germany" and there hasn't been a West Germany for around 20 years.
However they are really good quality and condition - best I've seen. Worthwhile hunting for in the UK if you are able to sight the kegs first before buying. :idea:
There might be a self limiting number. I managed to have all twenty of mine full at the same time, well 19 plus one on tap. Although I thought I might need some more during summer, I seem to have reached steady-state at last!
I should add that five are long term maturation, one will not be ready before March (brewed last March), two will not be ready before April and two are for next xmas.
However, as I continue to experiment with the Durden Park Book.....KKKK Ale (1867) Reid's Griffin Brewery - Mature for 18-24 months.... :shock:
(Memo to self - 5Kg Fuggles direct from Farams?)
drut said:
There might be a self limiting number. I managed to have all twenty of mine full at the same time, well 19 plus one on tap
At last someone who has the same problem I have (21 Mature cornelii, plus 2 Juvenile and 4 Babies) . . . I'll try and get a picture of the breeding herd out in the snow . . . they just look so cute
I'm going to be hopefully getting one for my birthday in Feb, not sure whether to get one or two. Do they only breed in pairs?
I got my first a week ago, it is looking lonely :( but the Muntons Smugglers Gold (S04 and dry hopped with East Kent Goldings) coming out of it hits the spot.

Tuesday first AG brew (snow permitting) but I don't think it will have a shiny corney to go into .. oh well one day.
They do like frolicking in the snow!
It makes the little yeasties drop to the bottom nicely....

As for reproduction, I expect that Aleman would agree that they have both sexual and asexual phases. Perhaps if you were to cool one down enough, it might bud? :shock:

Once you have more than 2, they are certainly immoral to the point of depravity :oops:
I think I'd have trouble reaching 19-21, well full ones anyway, I drink it too quickly to manage that..... Unless of course I increased capacity with some nice shiny 70 litre stockpots :twisted:
paulpj26 said:
I'm going to be hopefully getting one for my birthday in Feb, not sure whether to get one or two.
Keeping one in isolation is just downright cruel :nono:
I'll try and get a picture of the breeding herd out in the snow . . . they just look so cute
They do like frolicking in the snow!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

My 16 are all empty, but I can foresee the Durden book being dusted off and giving rise to a necessary kick in the arse and 'spurt' in reproduction :lol: :cool:

Welcome to the madness Keith :thumb: :cool:

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