more dam infecvtions

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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2011
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made 69L of a bitter using EKG
put into 3 seperate FVs, which i sanitised with videne, even wiped with a sponge soaked in it
2 of which i put into cheap plastic kegs, which i let soak in oxy clean for 2 hours then sanitised with videne
1st keg started to taste vinegar after about 2 weeks (greedly only 20 pints left!)
2nd keg seems ok so far
3rd is still in FV and used US-05 yeast instead of S-04 and finished at 1007 instead of 1014, so seems to me to be wild yeast infection, as tastes badish

Had these problems before, a few batches ago, im begining to wonder if its in the FV`s and my sanitising is only reducing the numbers of germs temporary and every few brews they build up again

Some FV`s also have taps some dont..

local beer shop said try caustic soda diluted to kill EVERYTHING.

what you guys recon?
Don't use a sponge . . .especially one from the kitchen. . . . Cross contamination. . . . If you have to use a sponge dedicate it to your brewery, and make sure it is dry before putting away or store it in a good no rinse disinfectant (I use peracetic)

This is the reason I like No rinse disinfectants and I just add it, swirl it around for a few minutes (or Pump it using the CIP head) then drain and fill
Aleman said:
Don't use a sponge . . .especially one from the kitchen. . . . Cross contamination. . . . If you have to use a sponge dedicate it to your brewery, and make sure it is dry before putting away or store it in a good no rinse disinfectant (I use peracetic)

This is the reason I like No rinse disinfectants and I just add it, swirl it around for a few minutes (or Pump it using the CIP head) then drain and fill

Great advice :thumb: :thumb:

it was a clean sponge, i used it to remove the stuck on bits from the last fermentation, at the top of the FV, as i was worried that the videne and oxiclean were not getting behind the dirt,

Also i havent been disinfecting the tap assemblies, all i do is run some sanitiser through them

cant clean the kegs too good as small opening

Is oxi clean as good as domestos?
Don't be spending on Domestos, use cheap thin bleach. Put in a good dollop, add a bit of water and slosh about. Tip it out and rinse well. Works every time, and kills everything in sight. Even the cat :D Thick bleach is good also but has detergent in it, so it foams up, but at least you know you have rinsed well.
steve963 said:
it was a clean sponge, i used it to remove the stuck on bits from the last fermentation, at the top of the FV, as i was worried that the videne and oxiclean were not getting behind the dirt,

Maybe this is your problem, videne should be used on a clean surface to steralise, it should not be used on a mucky surface as a cleaning agent.
I never use chemicals on my fermenters, only steam from the boiler....

very nice, how long do you steam it for?

Anyway, +1 for cheap thin bleach. Use 1 teaspoon per 4-5 L of water and rinse with boiled water. very little chance of infection. As others have said, make sure everything is clean before you sanitise, even with bleach.
ok thanks guys,

dont have a steam setup like that, so will go for cheap thin bleach

getting fed up with these damn infections

got a nice citra brew fermenting at present, tastes amazing, hope it goes well!!
evanvine said:
PintofPride said:
+1 for cheap thin bleach. Use 1 teaspoon per 4-5 L of water
I find 1 cup per gallon a far better ratio!

It is far easier to get rid of the smell if you use a low ratio and it does just as good a job at sanitising. It means that when I rinse with boiled water I don't have to use heaps of it, which is convenient. Also, using 1 tsp per gallon you technically don't need to rinse, just drain any containers/bottles upside down, but obviously it is best to rinse (i know I always do).
Nothing can compare to hot (~80*C) 3-5% solution of caustic soda. Dangerous for all living, even for you.

I use it once or twice a year for beer line cleaning (pumping through CIP head) and for general cleaning of corny kegs. It's equally good for cleaning equipment after infection.