minimum time to drink kegged beer

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Jul 25, 2010
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what would people suggest is the minimum time from kegging to drinking?
once fermented im gonna rack off into another fv with gelatine, left for a week then kegged
i have 7 weeks till the beer is needed! i know its been left a bit late but been busy with work ang things
i know if i bottle it it will be ok but i dont think kegging will be any good for that short space of time,
i did a brew saturday and am gonna do a mash monday night and boil tuesday night which will give me just over 6 weeks, me thinks its a bit too close, what do you think?
depends what it is you brewed and how strong it is but id say 6 weeks it should be lovely , they say 1 week for every 10 points eg 4 weeks for 1040 and 5 weeks for 1050 and so on
It'll be a bit young at 6-weeks but I reckon you'll be OK.

What brew are you talking about?
usually less time for an ag to mature however if very strong then a few months may be needed all depends what beer it is , such as a wheat beer only needs around 2 weeks at best around 1 month but will only be good for around 6 to 12 months where as a lager may need 4 to 6 months to be ready but will last a lot longer before no good .