Measurements / Efficiency

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Nov 14, 2011
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Hi All

Will attempting my first All Grain brew in the next couple of days.

I have been using beersmith to get ready for it and have a recipe ready to go.

I have set the efficiency to be around 72% for my first go as obviously I don't truly know what I will get.

Having stuck in my numbers in my equipment profile for mash tun dead space etc beersmith is giving me a estimated Mash Efficiency of 84.5%.

Now there is a big difference between 72% I have but in as a aim for efficiency and this auto generated number by beersmith.

Can anyone clear up for me how beersmith comes to this mash efficency number. If I should be using that instead of my 72% guess (actually just suggested by others around forums). etc etc.

Its all a little confusing. Let me know if you need more info.

i would put in 70% if i was you , you may get 75% after you get to know your equipment but maybe 65% , you just won't really know till after you've brewed a few .

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