Me again

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Mar 18, 2009
Reaction score
East yorkshire
Hi all I'm back again my Rhubarb wine is now in demijohns started at 1092 down to 990 when it went into the demijohns. My next question is anyone have a good simple Bramble Wine recipe Cheers
:wha: :wha:
never made it but hope this helps

Bramble Tip Wine
1 gallon bramble tips
3 lb sugar
1 teaspoon citric acid
Water up to 1 gallon
Yeast nutrient
Wine yeast

Place the sugar in a fermentation bucket. Place the bramble tips in a large saucepan and cover with boiling water. Simmer for 30 minutes and then strain on to the sugar. Stir well until all the sugar has dissolved. When cool add the citric acid, yeast nutrient and wine yeast. Cover and leave to ferment for seven days, stirring daily. Using a fine sieve strain the liquid into a demijohn and fit an airlock to seal the jar.

Store in a warm place and allow the fermentation to work. When fermentation has ceased, rack the wine into a clean jar and place in a cooler environment and leave for a further few months. When the wine is clear and stable siphon into bottles.
Careful with the qty of sugar you add . . . the biggest problem with these country wine recipes is that they tend to turn out about 16-18% . . . fine for rocket fuel, but a better wine can be had by cutting back the sugar . . . 3lb per gallon will give you about 15.6% abv . . .but cut it back to 2lb 6oz and you have 12% which is a nice table wine. . . . . Personally I always like to add about 8 floz/gallon of grape juice concentrate to country wines as it improves them adding vinosity . . . and then adjust the gravity of the must to give me about 12% (SG around 1.090)