Another round of Googling, and I turned up this page: ... ns/epa.asp
(I appear to have missed it the first time round
), which lists the hops as Cascade and Styrian.
A play with the forum recipe calculator suggests that a 23l brew with 3.8kg of pale MO will give a target 3.6% brew with a 4.5SRM colour. Without much knowledge about hops (still new to brewing), I've guessed at using 35g of Cascade hops for 90 minute boil and 25g of Styrian for the last 10 mins, giving an expected bitterness of 37.3 IBU.
Do those give me something worth starting with?
Should I have another malt (eg crystal) in there to give a little more colour, or does the colour in the photos on the link look pale enough that just pale malt on its own will be sufficient?
How do the hops look? Might I be better swapping their order in the boil, or using more additions at other stages of the boil? (Mainly I've gone for simplicity for now).
Apologies for all the questions... you might have guessed I've still a lot to learn about brewing!