I flicked past this recipe in the Brew book and thought "That's looks easy enough". I could start that off now and have some nice lager for when the sun comes out.
Anyone done this?
100% MO, two additions of Tettnang and an aroma steep of Hallertau Mittelfrueh
I dont have any of those hops (in fact I don't even have the MO either yet)
I have Celeia, EKG, Norther Brewer, Challenger and Hersbrucker
Elsewhere in the book he says a sub for Tettnang is Saaz / Hersbrucker and sub for Hal. Mitt. is Saaz / Tettnang
This tool is quite interesting: Find Similar Hops - Beer Maverick - so stick a hop in and it uses 70 values to provide you with a percentage match.
So using tettnang as a bittering hop, my closest available would be hersbrucker and hal. mitt. as aroma - actually, no exact hits, so . . .
As Celeia is a Saaz sub, and an aroma hop, I guess I could use this in place of Hal. Mitt for the late aroma?
I would apprecaite your thoughts on this please.
Anyone done this?
100% MO, two additions of Tettnang and an aroma steep of Hallertau Mittelfrueh
I dont have any of those hops (in fact I don't even have the MO either yet)
I have Celeia, EKG, Norther Brewer, Challenger and Hersbrucker
Elsewhere in the book he says a sub for Tettnang is Saaz / Hersbrucker and sub for Hal. Mitt. is Saaz / Tettnang
This tool is quite interesting: Find Similar Hops - Beer Maverick - so stick a hop in and it uses 70 values to provide you with a percentage match.
So using tettnang as a bittering hop, my closest available would be hersbrucker and hal. mitt. as aroma - actually, no exact hits, so . . .
As Celeia is a Saaz sub, and an aroma hop, I guess I could use this in place of Hal. Mitt for the late aroma?
I would apprecaite your thoughts on this please.