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Feb 26, 2009
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Having looked around there alot of brewing books available, can you guys recommend some good ones with varied recipes in them?
It'll give me something to read on my hols... :grin:
The latest Graham Wheelers Brew Your Own British Real Ale is difficult to beat.
davesiv said:


Got my copy on order. :party:

book depository is where i got mine from £9.24 with free p+p!

Have also got Brew classic european beers at home by Graham Wheeler and Roger Protz out from the library! (wish it was in print! its got some good beers in!)
The big book of brewing was excellent in its time . . . . End of the 70's, and even now as a beginners guide to mashing it is very good. . . . there are a number of unnecessary complications (Water treatment) and errors (yeast culture from bottles), but the basics are sound . . . and as that was the only source of brewing information at the time . . . it was my introduction into 'real' brewing
Marc Ollosson's Real Ales for the Home brewer is very, very, hard to beat, for English ale recipes. It's out of print now, but pops up every now and then on e-bay/amazon used.
It's full of simple no nonsense recipe's that are tried and tested, many of them on the forum. Some of the beers the recipes are based on are no longer commercially available unfortunately, but that's life.

Clone Brews by Szamatulski is o.k for beers of the world in general, as is Zainasheff's Brewing Classic Styles. The latter is a relatively new american book, and from what I've read and tried, it seems quite good so far :cool:
Thanks Guy's
I have gone with GW's new book and the Marc Olloson book having seen a few of the other posts related to this book.
Should give me some good reading whilst in Egypt drinking the local brew :D
muddydisco said:
Should give me some good reading whilst in Egypt drinking the local brew :D
I'm taking John Alexanders 'Craftbrewing' and the 2nd Edition of Lewis and Youngs 'Brewing' To Turkey with me next week. . . . . anyone else taking brewing related reading matter with them on holiday?
muddydisco said:
Thanks Guy's
I have gone with GW's new book and the Marc Olloson book having seen a few of the other posts related to this book.
Should give me some good reading whilst in Egypt drinking the local brew :D
A brewing book in an Islamic country, might be dodgy
Nah diving on a boat all week! Nobody around to worry about just 20 of us, all know each other and my 30th b'day it's going to be a good week!
Vossy1 said:
I'm taking John Alexanders 'Craftbrewing' and the 2nd Edition of Lewis and Youngs 'Brewing'
It's meant to be a holiday...you sadist :twisted: :cool:

Smuggling brew porn on holiday eh!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Your very own Mills and Boon !! :lol: :lol:

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