Liverpool Women's Hospital: One dead in car explosion outside hospital

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Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
One person has died and another has been injured in a car explosion and fire outside a hospital in Liverpool.


Merseyside Police said there were reports of an explosion after a taxi pulled up at Liverpool Women's Hospital just before 11:00 GMT.
A spokeswoman said it "has not been declared a terrorist incident" but counterterrorism detectives were leading the inquiry "out of caution".
She added it "could take some time" before they could confirm details.
The injured man is being treated in hospital and is not in a life-threatening condition, police said.

Kathryn Thomson, chief executive of Liverpool Women's Hospital, said staff were restricting patient access to the hospital "with immediate effect" but allowing emergency ambulances.
"Where possible, we have diverted patients to other hospitals until further notice," she added.
"We are reviewing our patient activity for the next 24-48 hours and patients should wait to be contacted for updates about any planned appointments or other attendance at the hospital."

Liverpool mayor Joanna Anderson tweeted that the car fire, which has since been extinguished, was "unsettling and upsetting and my thoughts are with those affected".
"I'd like to thank the emergency services for their swift response and for bringing calm to the situation," she added.
A bomb disposal unit and fire engines attended the scene, which has been cordoned off.
Liverpool Women's Hospital, which featured in the popular Channel 4 series One Born Every Minute, receives about 50,000 patients annually and is the largest hospital in its specialism in Europe.
BBC North West

One person's died and another injured following an explosion outside the @LiverpoolWomens hospital this morning.

@MerseyPolice Chief Constable has just given a statement.
It's believed a taxi pulled up to the main entrance before the explosion.

@MerseyPolice go on to say...
'We are keeping an open mind as to what caused the explosion but given how it has happened, out of caution, Counter Terrorism Police are leading the investigation supported by Merseyside Police.'
The taxi driver should buy a lottery ticket this week i think his lucks in.

The question is why was he at the woman's hospital surely he wasn't going to blow it up.

An explosion outside Liverpool Women's Hospital on Remembrance Sunday has been declared a terror incident by police.
The suspected attacker died when a homemade bomb exploded in a taxi outside the hospital, while the injured driver - named locally as David Perry - escaped before the car caught fire.
The passenger is not believed to have been known to MI5, according to BBC security correspondent Gordon Corera.
The UK terror threat level has been raised to severe.
Home Secretary Priti Patel said it had been raised from substantial to severe, meaning an attack is highly likely, because the explosion in Liverpool was the second incident in a month.
Four men have been arrested in the city under the Terrorism Act.

Head of Counter Terrorism Policing North West, Russ Jackson, said the taxi passenger appeared to have made an "improvised explosive device" which caused the blast just before 11:00 GMT.
He said police knew the identity of the attacker but would not confirm it at this stage.
The man's motivation was "yet to be understood", Assistant Chief Constable Jackson added.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who chaired an emergency Cobra meeting earlier in response to the explosion, described it as a "sickening attack".
He said it was a "stark reminder for all of us to remain vigilant", but added "the British people will never be cowed by terrorism".

Read more - Liverpool Women's Hospital explosion declared a terror incident
Tweet 5 minutes ago -

A controlled explosion has been carried out in Sefton Park, Liverpool by Counter Terrorism Police as a precaution as part of the on-going investigation into the explosion at Liverpool Women's Hospital yesterday.

The man killed in an explosion outside Liverpool Women's Hospital has been named by police as 32-year-old Emad Al Swealmeen.
He was a passenger in a taxi when a homemade bomb exploded shortly before 11:00 GMT on Remembrance Sunday.
The driver David Perry escaped before the car caught fire and has since been discharged from hospital.
A controlled explosion has been carried out in Sefton Park, Liverpool by Counter Terrorism Police as a precaution as part of the on-going investigation into the explosion at Liverpool Women's Hospital yesterday.

A couple of hours later and no more details on BBC News but SKY are giving more detail -

Liverpool blast:
Police investigating terror incident carry out controlled explosion

One person died and another was injured in a car explosion outside Liverpool's Women's Hospital on Sunday.

Police investigating a terror incident in Liverpool have carried out a controlled explosion as a precaution.

One person died and another was injured in a car explosion outside Liverpool's Women's Hospital on Sunday.

Liverpool explosion latest - live updates

Greater Manchester Police announced that investigators carried out a controlled explosion at Sefton Park in the city on Monday as part of the ongoing-investigation.

In a statement, the force said: "Officers investigating the explosion at Liverpool Women's Hospital yesterday (14 November 2021) have carried out a controlled explosion as a precaution at Sefton Park in Liverpool as part of the on-going investigation.

"There is believed to be no wider risk to the public and the investigation continues."

It comes after police declared the explosion a terror incident

So far four men have been arrested under terrorism laws in the Kensington area of Liverpool - three aged 21, 26 and 29, who were held on Sunday, and a man aged 20, who was detained on Monday.

Speaking at a press conference at Downing Street, the Prime Minister said the blast was a "stark reminder" to the public to remain vigilant, adding: "What yesterday showed above all is that the British people will never be cowed by terrorism, we will never give in to those who seek to divide us with senseless acts of violence.

"And our freedoms and our way of life will always prevail."

Assistant Chief Constable Russ Jackson, from Counter-Terrorism Policing North West, said the man who died in the blast brought a homemade bomb with him into a taxi and asked to be taken to the hospital.

He was picked up in the Rutland Avenue area of the city and as the car reached the hospital's passenger drop-off point, it exploded.
MI5 is assisting the police with the investigation.

The driver of the cab, named locally as David Perry, was treated in hospital after fleeing the car just before it burst into flames, and has now been discharged.

It is exactly a month since Conservative MP Sir David Amess was stabbed to death at his constituency surgery in Essex. That attack was also declared a terrorist incident.
The taxi driver should buy a lottery ticket this week i think his lucks in.

The question is why was he at the woman's hospital surely he wasn't going to blow it up.

An explosion outside Liverpool Women's Hospital on Remembrance Sunday has been declared a terror incident by police.
The suspected attacker died when a homemade bomb exploded in a taxi outside the hospital, while the injured driver - named locally as David Perry - escaped before the car caught fire.
The passenger is not believed to have been known to MI5, according to BBC security correspondent Gordon Corera.
The UK terror threat level has been raised to severe.
Home Secretary Priti Patel said it had been raised from substantial to severe, meaning an attack is highly likely, because the explosion in Liverpool was the second incident in a month.
Four men have been arrested in the city under the Terrorism Act.

Head of Counter Terrorism Policing North West, Russ Jackson, said the taxi passenger appeared to have made an "improvised explosive device" which caused the blast just before 11:00 GMT.
He said police knew the identity of the attacker but would not confirm it at this stage.
The man's motivation was "yet to be understood", Assistant Chief Constable Jackson added.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who chaired an emergency Cobra meeting earlier in response to the explosion, described it as a "sickening attack".
He said it was a "stark reminder for all of us to remain vigilant", but added "the British people will never be cowed by terrorism".

Read more - Liverpool Women's Hospital explosion declared a terror incident

That's easy for Boris to say! Given the protection he enjoys. Whilst law abiding citizens have been stripped of any right to defend themselves and the population emasculated. I'm more cowed by our very corrupt and self-serving government, never mind the terrorists.
Perhaps in Wales, it's different!

In Scotland, if somebody attacks you then you are legally expected to run away (take avoiding action), and if you stand your ground and defend yourself without trying to run away then YOU are more likely to be prosecuted for assault. Particularly if you WIN the confrontation. There is a Special Defense in Scottish law for self-defence. But it's up to the Police onsite to determine who will be charged. It could just as easily be the victim and not the aggressor, as has happened on numerous occasions.

We also have a verbal barrier in the form of the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021. This catchall legislation was tabled by Hamsa Yusaf and passed by the Scottish Government. So heaven help you if you utter some profanity directed at your attacker during an assault. The Scottish government brought this in as a knee jerk reaction to Islamophobia. It is the toughest legislation in the whole of the UK.

That's all I have to say on the matter!
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Searching - law on self defence U.K brought up this -

Self-Defence and the Prevention of Crime

Reasonable Force

A person may use such force as is reasonable in the circumstances for the purposes of (in the alternative): -

  • self-defence;
  • defence of another;
  • defence of property;
  • prevention of crime;
  • lawful arrest.
In assessing the reasonableness of the force used, prosecutors should ask two questions:

  • was the use of force necessary in the circumstances, i.e. Was there a need for any force at all?; and
  • was the force used reasonable in the circumstance
What force would anyone deem necessary if you were defending your wife and children asleep upstairs?

If you killed an intruder by accident in a fight in your house i am sure you would not be prosecuted if you stabbed an intruder in the back as they were trying to escape i am sure you wouldn't.
My God what a world,??

How can ANYONE think the murder of people is ok for people who play no direct part in the decsion making proccess be ever held responsible for thier "actions"
The Liverpool bomb attacker was a failed asylum seeker who had been refused permission by judges to appeal to stay in the country.

It had been reported - but unconfirmed - that Emad Al Swealmeen lost his asylum claim as long ago as 2014.

The BBC has now confirmed he made a legal attempt to gain permission to stay in the UK, but it was rejected without being considered in court.

It raises questions as to whether the Home Office then sought to remove him.

The Upper Tribunal of the Immigration and Asylum Chamber, a national court that deals with appeals, told the BBC that Al Swealmeen had sought to lodge an appeal after he had lost his case in a lower court that reviews Home Office decisions.

But this attempted appeal to the court was refused without ever going to a full hearing - meaning that a judge concluded there were no grounds to overturn the decision.

The tribunal has not confirmed when that decision was taken but it is believed to have been in early 2017.

Malcolm Hitchcott, a Christian activist in Liverpool, told the BBC he and his wife offered Al Swealmeen a place to stay for eight months from April of that year after he had told them he had lost his case and was destitute.

Typically, when someone loses an asylum claim and exhausts their rights to appeal, the Home Office withdraws their financial support and housing and warns them they will be removed from the UK.

It is not clear if the Home Office ever told Al Swealmeen he would be removed from the country or whether it took any steps to do so.

It is also not yet known where he was seeking asylum from.

The Home Office has been contacted for comment.

Full article - Liverpool bomb: Judges had refused attacker permission to appeal to stay in UK
Its awfull truly awfull
But I do have to say that Judges get it more "right" than our Politicians

To attack folk simply paying respect is an abomination
No excuses for this heinous act, or any of the others that have been in the news over the years, none!

You are right John, it is truly awful!

As was said in the article, we have to try and understand, and this is what I see:

I find it extraordinary that a country literally built/rebuilt by the hands of immigrants that came here at our behest can turn around and refuse asylum seekers and simple residency claims like this, under the purview of the opprobrious Priti Patel no less! Does she have the memory of a goldfish or is she deliberately ignoring where her parents, and by extension herself, came from and how? I do laugh when I see her doing her 'white face' act, it really is quite hilarious. I would call it satire, except she seems to take it all quite seriously, you have to wonder what is going on in that smirking skull. Oh wait... of course she is already inappropriately digging her claws into this terrible act to gain political grist for her hateful agenda:
Not to mention the fact that these asylum seekers are often created by our own acts of war against the countries they are fleeing in terror.

add to that the criminal gangs profiteering from asylum seekers immigrants desperation

and the white slave trade

It's a hot mess, and one we largely created for ourselves.

Maybe I am wrong?

Oh, and somehow brits abroad are not immigrants, but ex-pats :rolleyes:

The arrogance of this country and some of it's people, at all levels, is truly exceptional, in every meaning of the terms.
Hannah Miller
· 1h
The cordon around Sutcliffe Street in Liverpool has been hugely expanded since this morning
people living in the area told to stay inside their homes.
Sutcliffe Street is the property the attacker once lived in
searches here began yesterday @itvnews

You're wrong.

Not without an eloquent well composed and sensible answer I'm not!

Edit: And it better be really really good, I mean absolutely outstanding because it has become clear that Emad Al Swealmeen is from Iraq.

I really do think that this all boils down to "see how you like being bombed and innocent people being killed" in direct and unequivocal retaliation for all the times the UK has bombed Iraq.

As I say, it is going to have to be an absolutely incredible argument to discredit this.

If you don't understand, take all the outrage, distress, etc. that you feel about these bombings and put yourself in the place of an innocent Iraqi family. It really is quite simple on one level. Highly complex on many more levels, but I don't think this discredits anything about the simpler level.

The UK has a lot to answer for.


p.s. and before anyone gets any smart ideas I am still absolutely not defending or justifying these acts, just trying to understand them.
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