Lidl Cherrys!

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Apr 14, 2009
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East Lancashire
Everytime I go shopping I now tend to look at things and think 'that could be used for wine', today I went to lidl for some apple juice to make some TC! and instead came out with some Marston's Burton Bitter (99p each), some red grape juice, some white grape juice (about 80p each they have been reduced by 4p I think!!) and two of these jars of Cherrys in syrup (99p each)

Any recomended recipes to make a cherry wine??


looks like a good candidate for the cherry cider I was thinking about making when I get a free demijohn. I wonder where the nearest lidl is to me :hmm:
Forget about cherry wine, sacrifice 5L of your Daangaarden ;) to the cherry wheat gods :drink:
Drain off the syrup chop the cherries finely add to the wheat beer and let it ferment again, ferment out, strain off the cherries, prime and bottle :thumb:
tubby_shaw said:
Forget about cherry wine, sacrifice 5L of your Daangaarden ;) to the cherry wheat gods :drink:
Drain off the syrup chop the cherries finely add to the wheat beer and let it ferment again, ferment out, strain off the cherries, prime and bottle :thumb:
Now that IS a plan! they do jars of Raspberry as well!!

But would like to do a cherry wine, guess its another trip to lidl for more cherrys!!
All of my raspberry bushes in the garden are about to EXPLODE with fruit :thumb: so when the kids have had their fill of them they will be either used in my breakfast smoothies or Mrs Wez wants them for RaspTC
I've bought 2 jars of cherries as well. The sugar content (in French!) is 17-20%. Can I make pure cherry wine, or would it be best to add something else? How much extra sugar (if any) would I need to add? The jars are 350g each, including syrup. Would this be enough fruit?
Cherry wine recipe, from Ian Ball's "Wine making the natural way". This is the version including sugar, let me know if you want the sugar-free one.

Superb wine; glorious colour. Ready to drink 10 months after the fermented wine has been transferred to a storage vessel to clear and mature. Alcohol content about 14% by volume. Raisins give extra flavour, body and smoothness to this wine and nourish the wine yeast, encouraging maximum efficiency.

Ingredients (to make 1 gallon)
Black cherries 2kg
Raisins 340gm
Granulated sugar 900gm
Strong tea 1/2 cup (or a teaspoon tannin)
Lemons 2
Yeast extract / marmite / malt extract / yeast nutrient 1/4 teaspoon
Yeast (take your pick)
Dechlorinated water to 4.5 litres

Stage 1
Discard stalks and stones. Rinse cherries in cold water, then mash them in a bucket (not like an AG mash ;)) Add raisings after rinsing them and chopping or mincing. Cover bucket. Warm 1/2 litre of water in saucepan. Stir in sugar and yeast extract. When dissolved, cover and allow to cool., then pour into the bucket. Make tea, strain and allow to cool, discard leaves/bag; extract juice from lemon, chuck away pips pith and peel. Add juice and tea to the bucket and pitch yeast; top up to four litres with water. Cover and leave to ferment for 10 days, stirring twice daily.

Stage 2
Rack wine from sediment into a demijohn. Discard the solids. Top up to the neck with water. Cover. Leave to ferment to dryness (can take 4-5 weeks at 18C)
Two weeks after fermentation has finished, rack wine from its sediment into a fresh demijohn. Top up with wine of a similar flavour and colour, or cold water. Fit a bung and keep somewhere cool for 10 months to clear and mature. After 10 months' storage the wine should be clear and ready for bottling.
When bottled, the wine needs a further 2-3 months to condition; it reaches peak about 36 months (!) after being racked into its storage vessel to clear and mature, if you can manage to leave it in storage that long.
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sueelleker said:
I've bought 2 jars of cherries as well. The sugar content (in French!) is 17-20%. Can I make pure cherry wine, or would it be best to add something else?
If it were me I would add some grape juice as either concentrate or a litre of supermarket juice, some pectolase and probably a tsp of citric acid

How much extra sugar (if any) would I need to add?
This is one of those how long is a piece of string questions :wha:
I would make up my must and take a hydrometer reading and adjust to 1.090, there will be more sugar to come out of the cherries so it's not going to be precise :)

The jars are 350g each, including syrup. Would this be enough fruit?
If you are after a distinct cherry flavour I would double or triple the quantity :thumb: if you want a nice light table rose use what you have :thumb:
Good recipe from leondz above but if you want a version that matures much more quickly then this is one I use.

2 lb tinned or bottled cherries
1/2 pint red GC (or 8oz chopped raisins)
2 1/2 lb sugar
1/2tsp tannin
1tsp citric acid
Pectic enzyme
Port or GP yeast

Mash cherries and remove stones.
Add GC or raisins.
Add tepid water to make the must up to about 7 pints.
Add acid, tannin, pectic enzyme and nutrient.
Stir well and pitch the yeast.
Ferment on the pulp for about 5 days stirring each day to submerge the pulp.
Strain and press the pulp and dissolve 2lb of the sugar into the wine.
Continue fermentation under airlock and feed with the remaining sugar in 2oz increments each time the SG drops to 1.000 or less.
After the addition of the last 2oz’s finish the wine at about 1.005 by racking, adding a campden tab, potassium sorbate and finings.
When clear rack again, filter if desired and mature in bulk or bottles.

Very drinkable after 2 to 3 months but will continue to improve.
Thanks Wurzel, that's what I was looking for. Does this include the syrup the cherries were bottled in, or just the fruit?
sueelleker said:
Thanks Wurzel, that's what I was looking for. Does this include the syrup the cherries were bottled in, or just the fruit?
Don't waste the syrup mate.......get it in there!!! :D

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