lidl apple juice

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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2010
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i have noticed that they do 2 types. Both are from concentrate but one had added juice. That one is on offer later this week. 50p for 1.5 l. Which one does everyone else use?
asda do 3 different types, all of them from concetrate, just differing levels of sugar and price.

Just have a look at the ingredients, make sure there are no nasties and go for the cheapest, thats what i do :thumb:
stephent said:
what would you class as nasties?

Anything that is NOT Apple Juice.

Preservatives addertives, E numbers, flavourings, Colouring that sort of stuff.

If the ingrdients Reads 100% apple juice then its a winner.
stephent said:
That one is on offer later this week. 50p for 1.5 l.

My local had it on offer for a few days at that price as well. I got as much as I could carry, and then some sugar as well haha. Might pop back over the weekend, see if my local is doing it :D
its the SOLEVITA apple juice thats on offer. I seen a post about the solevita pear juice and that it wasnt really recommended. Has anyone actualy used this apple juice with success?


Thats an Apple Juice DRINK. What your looking for is PURE Apple Juice. Think the DRINK type juices contain the nasty stuff you dont want like preservatives and stuff. I could be wrong so wait till someone with more experience comes along :D
I would not use this one - I popped along to Lidl to get the 50 p Apple juice but took the 1,5l 100% juice . Just not worth the bother with the cheap stuff I reckon. Only 84p for the real stuff.
And it,s ferment lovely at the moment.
But hey, these guys would make a good brew out of fish tank water so who am I to say!!


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