Lagering temperature - is this true?

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Dec 27, 2012
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I have been reading Charles Bamfords book 'Tap Into the Art and Science
of Brewing' in the section on lagering he states that a few days at -1°C is the equivalent of several WEEKS at 5°C.

If it is works it would save a lot of fridge time and electricity, has anybody on the forum tried it, did it work for you?
Would long conditioning bottles still be required?

Many Thanks. Aamcle
Yep, been doing it for years, and posting about it :)

I normally reckon on 1 day at -1 is equal to 1 week at 2 to 4 C
I usually lager at around 0.5C and it seems to work for me :)

Will try a little lower next time as i aint got the equiptment of a centrifuge like the professionals, which is around 4000 times faster than traditional methods :)

Cant you tell i have been studying, lol

So a week at -1°C would be enough for most lagers?

Would I be able to use my STC1000 controlled fridge or would need a freezer?

Does it still need some months to condition after carbonating?

Do I understand stand the process correctly ?

Pitch a large starter at 9-12°C and ferment.
When about 75% to expected final gravity rase temp for Diacetyle rest.
At final gravity transfer to secondary fermenter reduce the temperature to -1°C for a week.

Bottle and condition in the usual way.

Many Thanks. Aamcle
A dosmestic fridge will not be able to get down to -1C, you will need a freezer, my commercial fridge will do -1 or -2 C, but I don't like letting it run at that for any long period of time.

About the only issue using extreme crash chilling is that you create an extreme chill haze which will need longer than 1 week to settle out. I take care of this using polyclar 730 plus in the primary, then I chill to 2C for a week, followed by 1day at -1 for every 4 gravity points of OG, and finally 1 week at 2C. I then Rack and force carbonate.

The other big factor, is that the yeast is completely knackered at that temp, so if going for natural carbonation, you will need to reseed with a fresh yeast . . .not that you need a lot 0.1g in 23 Litres is more than enough.