Lager room temperature to cold?

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Jun 29, 2011
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Planning a lager brew soon so I have put a fv full of water in my brew room to check temps, but its recording temperatures of 6 degrees centigrade which is a tad to cold. I have put some insulation round it to see if it keeps it a little warmer so do you reacon with the yeast active it will keep itself around 10 degrees?

Depends on the yeast ! The brewferm which I am about to pitch lists lower temp boundaries than the mauribrew I used last week - both Lager yeasts . What does it say on the pack of the one you plan to use ? If nothing , try their website or one of their stockists .
I'm no expert but i would say that is very low. I know lager yeast can be brewed at a low temp so it could take ages. Is there any way you could move it to a different room or get some heat in it or around it
Yeast dependent you risk a racing ferment and some strange tastes at high temps . Also consider skimming any head off if the ferment DOES take off in the first few days at a raised temperature .
Arch , I am brewing lagers properly for the first time at the mo and am trying out various techniques and ingredients so I would be very interested to hear what yeast you are using and to follow your progress . Over the next couple of days I will write up my two recent lager brews and we can exchange experiences....if you are up for it ?
Sure this batch is simply a Coopers Euro kit using the kit yeast.

I am planning a different batch in a week that will be using Saflager S-23 Yeast but will let you know how both progress.

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