Lager question (newbie)

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New Member
Sep 9, 2010
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I currently have 30 pint bottles of coopers lager in my fridge and according to the instructions, this Sunday it will have spent the recommended 2 weeks in the fridge. Can I then take it out and put it in a cupboard and refrigerate and drink as I want? As I'm keen to start my brown ale kit?
Using the football parlance - if its good enough its old enough. I would certainly try it with one and if it tastes good then its open season. If it is still lacking a bit of fizz then leave it another week or so than try again. It realy will improve given some time to mature. :thumb:
ive made quite a few coopers kits, they improve alot with time, after bottling ive left for a week at room temp then stuck them in the garage for a good month or so then chill them wheneve im gna drink them.
the coopers draught i made was good, the mexican cerveza is ok, its been bottled for about 5 or 6 weeks and its drinkable but not got that great a fizz, the coopers lager has only been bottled a few weeks and was ok, gna be bottling the european lager tomorrow night, it says on the tin to leave for at least 3 months before drinkin :shock: jeezo!
i have done quite a few coopers kits and followed the instructions to the letter. Brew for a week then bottle. Leave for two weeks in a dark room or cupboard then chill as required. I have no complaints at all with coopers.
Tryed some of my mexican yesterday, done as per instructions with 1 box of coopers BE #2
Taste - ok
colour - nice and yellow in the glass
fizz - resonably sparkling - don't keep a head
content - I recon its about 3.5 - 4.1.....based on how I felt after 2l liter

developes a slight chill haze
first glass clear
2nd very hazy befour you try pour it
3rd cloudy
4th very cloudy

I take it you should decant after the first glass?

a few more weeks on and time is a great fixer, much nicer taste, head retention and fizz....dam I wish I haddent drank most of it already

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