lager books

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Dec 27, 2008
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Hi is there anyone out there know some recipes as i have some friends coming from the states and i thought although i have real ale i would try to make some weak wishy washy usa lager :grin: :drunk: any help greatfully appreciated
I'd be very careful assuming that they all drink crappy high volume USA Lager. :nono:

The USA has some of the World's best Craft Brewers and believe me some of their beers are fantastic. Almost every State has a raft of microbreweries that supply their bars, pubs and there are also quite a few BrewPubs. I understand in the USA that breweries can't own outlets therefore everywhere is a freehouse and in some places the high volume stuff doesn't even get a sniff and is just used as bog cleaner. Free market rules and the customer dictates what they'll drink. :cheers:

I hope they enjoy your homebrew but I'd certainly not try to brew anything inferior. Just give them the best you can and hope they go away and tell their friends etc. You could always buy Coors or Bud in the supermarket if they really want it.

:thumb: :drink:
trunky said:
These books are quite big, dunno if you can find any larger ones.
:lol: Was gonna make that joke - but thought it rude :? It appears the sp. error has been amended. Good luck in impressing your friends - Don't underestimate the Yanks. They're not all stupid :shock: though a lot are :cool: edit: it appears I am being rude after all
The book on lager brewing is Greg Noonan's New Brewing Lager Beer . . . but Greg is one of those Craftbrewers mentions (and started and operates the 7 Barrel Brewery) in the US . . .The book details the decoction mash pretty much perfectly, which dates it as Greg now only uses a single decoction. if at all.

TBH it is incredibly difficult to brew an American Standard Beer . . . OG 1.050use 30% rice (either Flaked or crushed and do a cereal mash), 15 IBU (Bud use 10-12 different varieties of hops some aged for three years) and pitch cold with a good large lager yeast starter and ferment cold.

There really is absolutely no where to hide any errors / faults in brewing technique with this style of beer
I have a copy of John Alexanders book on Brewing Lager. It seems quite good, but does tend to concentrate more on european lagers than the American canoe sex.