Lack of head

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wrapped in bacon

Active Member
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
Hi Guys,

Brew number four tastes very good but pretty much zero head after sitting for a minute or so.
I've read other posts on this subject:-
It contains 500g of wheat (27 litre brew)
The glasses are clean and well rinsed with hot water (and cold before serving)
Carbonation seems OK (bottle conditioned)

Any ideas? :hmm:
It seems a shame not to have the crowning glory on a good pint!

Here I thought this was going to be a thread about married life...

Anyway, some of my beers end up being like that too. It doesn't really bother me. I have had plenty of bottled commercials that have done the same. You've got wheat in there so that's one of the common "solutions." It's really not something I've been to bothered about.
Not sure about the whys but I've had one like that.. I use a mini pocket beer engine (syringe), give it a couple of pumps and hey presto, head! :)
:clap: ...........married life!!

Thanks for the suggestions
I take the point about it not being a 'real problem' but was just wondering if there were some fundamental reasons for loss of head?

Lack of proteins. Or lack of carbonation. Or too much carbonation. Not enough hops. Or not enough non fermentable sugars (dextrins). Fat.

It's a hit and miss game. ;)
Crikey, more money - we're only talking about about head!
Next you'll be suggesting I let her go out on her own :eek:
as nixhaz said a pocket beer engine will get it going
if not you'll have to put up with it with no head
My last batch was like that unless it was in the fridge overnight. I drank it within a month so it prob would have been better if I wasn't so greedy
Just done a mild same as this, made with dark spray malt and dextrose
Lovely carbonation but no head it looks like a glass of cola (but tastes a lot better than cola) :cheers:


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