koppenberg pear cider, tips.

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Active Member
Dec 30, 2011
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Hi everyone, i want to make a koppenberg pear cider copy for the mrs.(much sweeter than others e.g. Magners or bulmers)
Does anyone have any tips to achieve this? P.s. I would prefer to use a kit as a base but dont mind adding to it.
I've done a little research and people have suggested adding non fermentable sugars. Or just doing a normal kit then top it with lemonade when pouring?
Do you lot have any ideas or know of a kit that produces a sweet pear cider? Thanks in advance.
I find with these types of things the best way is to just make a pretty standard cider and pour a syrup into the glass. That's basically how syrupy ciders are made, but they use techniques that get a little expensive and time consuming for the home brewer to get them into bottles for convenience - pasteurizing, carbonation with no sediment, etc.

If you made an apple or apple and pear based cider, then made and poured a sweet pear syrup into the glass when you serve it, you wouldn't be miles off. Some brewers on here suggest coffee syrups for certain clones (toffee for a brothers toffee apple clone, for example) and they work a treat with no fuss.

Non fermentable sugars are pretty useless, sweetener tastes awful and xylitol gives you the *****.

Stay away from magnum kits, they are god awful. I've yet to try On The Rocks but they look quite good. Other than that you can't go wrong with a turbo cider, check recipes in the cider forum. It's not expensive at all.