Kit + Spray malt = Solid clumps of Malt?

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Dec 27, 2010
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Evening folks, just done me 3rd brew tonight, and a wee question for you;

What's the best method to avoid the dried malt extract (in a beer enhancer at the moment) forming big clumps that take a lot of beating to dissolve?

The first brew I added the tin, then a kettle of boiling water, then the enhancer, and got some small clumps that dissolved fairly easily.

2nd brew I added the tin, then the enhancer and tried to homogenise them, but ended up with clumps still.

3rd brew tonight I added the tin, a little bit of boiling water to wash out the tin, gave it a good stir, then tupped in the enhancer and got some big clumps, which I thrashed and they dissolved with a little more hot water.

Any advice for brew 4?
Dissolve it in hot water before adding it to the bucket, don't let the seam get in. Just add a little at a time.
ive used the spray malt on a few brews and never had any major clumps, i usually add the tin, fill tin with boiled water and put that in, add spray malt and sugar, stir well, then add another litre and a half of boiled water and stir it well, then top up with water.
I always put the spray malt in first before any hot water is used as I find the steam just makes a mess of the malt.

I have had the same happen with the malt forming big clumps but find that if you leave it for a short time and then give it another stir before putting the cold water in it does the trick
Mix the spray malt with cold water . . . . Stops clumping (well major clumping) then add it to the container and add the hot water + kit extract on top
I had this problem when i used beer kit enhancer with a single tin kit.

I added tin, then few litres of boiling water, then added BKE. It took some beating and stirring before they dissolved. I follwed instructions on BKE exactly.
I use enhancer kits every time i brew a kit. I find that if i give the bag a good shake to loosen up the enhancer/spray malt it powders better and i get less clumping. I put the beer kit in first then add the enhancer then water. I think some clumping is unavoidable but this technique gives me small clumps that dissolve easily. :thumb: