Keggle cleaning help please guys :)

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Active Member
Jul 13, 2009
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne
Hi all,

Just about finished my micro brewery, but need to clean the outside of my keggle up, I have seen the USA posts and videos on this but the flap wheels etc these guys use aren't available here in the UK, so I need to know if anyone has links for flap wheels that will get rid of the dull/dirty look on the keggle and then polishing wheels, I have hand held drills and a 4 1/2" grinder, but finding what I want is difficult unless I wish to buy packs of 10 of everything which works out expensive?

hope you guys can help like you always do.. :D

cheers all

I find it easier to use a drill, various pads, and a cutting compound, as lifting a keg can be a RPITA, especially to see what you're doing. I bought a kit from Machine Mart which inlcudes a drill adaptor, backing pad and various polishing/cutting pads.
Regards the flap wheels they sell those also, but personally, unless you have big rust build up you wont need them :thumb:
You can get the cutting compounds from Halfords, use their own brand, T-Cut is too expensive, and there are far cheaper alternatives to Halfords compounds if you look around.