Keg lid valve corrosion

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Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
Colchester, Essex
I have a cheapo keg, fitted with the cap that allows you to use the co2 bulbs.

It has had cider in it for a while...( i know possibly not the right place for tis thread!!)- but it is going to be used for beer next!!

Anyway, its been in my conservatory for a few months, i have drunk about half of the cider and been topping up with co2.

I had some the other day, it looked fine, smelt fine etc etc but made me very was definatly that, i tried some more a couple of days later just to check. :sick:

I forgot about it, and this evening opened the lid and expected to see mould or some sort of growth.. but there was none, it was nicely gassed still and looked fine.
Then i looked inside the lid!!
It seems very 'rusty' and has alot of condensation in it, i think this could have been dripping off the valve into the Tc and contaminating it!???

Could this be caused by my conservatory being too warm?? It was kept out of sunlight.

Can i clean up the valve and use it again in the future??
Can you show us a pic capt'n, seems odd if they used mild steel, dont risk it untill you have the problem sorted, you could get some nasty poison building up in there.
Hi bru, heres a pic...


it was brand new when first used, the condensation has gone now.


CptnCrackoff said:
Hi bru, heres a pic...


it was brand new when first used, the condensation has gone now.


Crikey! Yuk! How many years/brews have you used it for?
:eek: , Jeasus, the mind boggles what some manufacturers try to get away with. Bin the cider Capt'n, when steel corodes some nasty things are given off, Hydrogen Sulphide being one if the reaction is not in the presence of oxygen and ferrous sulfide, very bad stuff. I don't know the fitting but I'm sure a few lads here will know where to get a proper replacement or have a chat with some of the forum sponsors for a stainless version.

This type of corosion was lethal in ballast tanks at sea (my backround), just a few ppm and you would get a strong smell of rotton eggs, once it climbs a small bit your nose has been damaged and you can no longer smell it, and then you black out and die :( .

It may or may not be present, but somthing bad is in your cider and not worth a risk in my book.

right, i'll get rid of that then, i was a bit rough after drinkin a few pints.. :sick:

It was a genuine youngs lid, and was brand new, that was the first time i had used it, i didnt think they were steel!? it was a brassy colour!?

I will thoroughly clean the keg and ditch the cap, i'm using spraymalt to prime my next beer in it ( i will leave it for a few weeks in the warm then another month or two in the cold) that usually gives about enough pressure for a pint a nigh. I have a cheapo kit beer for everyday drinking and a premium for special occassions!! :lol:

Very concerned with the valve though, could the problem be the keg being stored too warm and causing alot of condensation or should that not matter???
Don't chuck it. Take it back. Its obviously not fit for purpose. Get them to exchange it. :thumb:
Yeah, as Gar said, temp wont make any odds to that happening or not, if it is meant to be food safe it should not matter if it was submerged, damp or dry, it was not up to the job, I presume the red stuff was rust, it looked like it.
The condensation is normal, the rust/corrosion is not.
Take it back and show them, they may not be aware!
:ugeek: Metallurgist alert :ugeek:
What you have got there my friend is is a valve assembly that looks as though it has been machined from high tensile brass rather than a "normal" 60:40 brass.
High tensile brass can contain up to 2% Iron which can sit in the grain boundary as free Iron and form rust :(
I would take it back and get an exchange or refund, while you are at it it'd be worth dropping an email to the manufacturer with that picture attached ;)
I had an email from 'John Smith' of youngs...funny how when you complain to a company they always seem to have very common

They're going to blame the steriliser.....

Good morning Jonathan,
Thank you for your mail.
The picture clearly shows that the valve is 'rusty.' The valves are made of brass.
It is difficult to explain why this has happened without having the valve examined.

Can you please tell us how you clean/sterilise your barrel and cap and what steriliser you use?

In the mean time we are seeking advice from the manufactuer and conducting our own tests.

John Smith

Reply sent, i'll wait and see.

Btw it was VWP steriliser...that shouldnt react with brass...? :?:
CptnCrackoff said:
Btw it was VWP steriliser...that shouldnt react with brass...?
I frequently use "Domestos" as a cleaning agent and have never had it react with brass.
I think what TS says about " High Tensile" brass is very poignant !
On one occaison I had to use an MS washer in a pressure keg, but a coating of Vaseline prevented any corrosion.
Hi, i did point out to the bloke from youngs that pure brass shouldnt rust.

they are supposed to be getting back to me aftre more tests..... :shock:

I doubt anything will come of it, although a full working order replacement would be good, although the shop should really do that.

It came from wilko i think, i'll not get back there for a bit and have no receipt, if youngs play up i'll stick one into them.

I'm sure after reading my thread very few forum members will rush out and try one!
Youngs can offer no explination why this has happened, they are sending me a new one, although my confidence in their products is now not great. I got the impression they werent that fussed. :evil:
Your not going to believe this.....the replacement has done exactly the same thing!!!!! :x

I had my porter in the keg for 3 1/2 weeks, just out of curiosity ( and piece of mind!!) i removed the cap just to find that this valve is starting to show signs of rust!!

It wasnt very rusty, i have wiped the rust off with some 'food safe' paper towel and charged the keg with another bub of co2.

My intention is to drink the beer as soon as i can. it doesnt seem to have been affected yet, ive had 4 or 5 pints so far.

I cant stress how disappointed i am with youngs, and their 'BRASS' valves.

I am now avoiding all youngs products.
...glad I found this!

I'm due to transfer my first brew into a Young's Keg in a week and have exactly this fitting to use when I do!

Let me know if you go back to them, inform of anything, and see how it turns out!

In the meantime, in 2 minds about using it at all. May just bung the plain plastic lid on, let the beer prime itself, and just drink my brew with a dozen or so friends in a single sitting! Has anyone else had problems with this or not at all?

For the record, I've used VWP as well, so if on the off chance it was steriliser, I'll see the same result.

Shocking though!

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