keg full of flat beer

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Apr 30, 2009
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whoops :oops:

I kegged a woodfordes wherry kit in august (in a youngs pressure barrel) was hoping to drink it over xmas however on trying to pull the first pint from it - expecting a load of foam etc it was flat :(
I primed with spraymalt and it has been sat in the spare room since - on a tray which has no signs of leaks so i can only presume the valve at the top has leaked - or been over/under tightned. It`s my first major disaster - so the question is -
can i salvage this ? It tasted ok - not off or sour but flat of course!
I`ve done a brew in the keg before which was fine - but this has made me loose confidence and will be looking into cornys next year.

Have you got a gas fitting for the barrel, if not go into your local home brew shop, it will be a matter of changing the screw on top and putting a CO2 cartridge to it, if you cant get to a home brew shop its not the end of the world, have a look in the kitchen cupboards for 2 large jugs, fill one jug and then pass from one jug to the other and back again until its got a head, now tip it into your pint glass, beer used to be sold like this before the invention of hand pumps
yeah i know ! I bottle most brews and this was brewed at the same time as a wherry that i bottled - but as i`ve gone over to the dark side :twisted: i thought i`d leave the wherry for xmas.......

i ended up pouring it down the drain - after my first AG pint even the wherry doesn`t quite cut it :(