Keg conversion help

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Jan 17, 2009
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I am going to be putting a hop filter and weldless ball valve in an aluminium keg I have. I am going to make the hop filter out of a square section of copper with a t'd off section to the compression fitting. I would then saw holes in the underside ala H&G mash tun.

I have been looking at BES for parts and was thinking of this:

7786 - Compression x BSP Parallel Male
9689 - BSP Parallel Female x Female
14283 - 90° Street Elbows BSPT M x BSP F
6247 - 1/2" BSP T x 10 mm o.d. hose nozzle

Hop filter -> Comp fitting -> Ball valve -> 90° -> Hoze nozzle

Does this seem ok? Also I was wondering about the bulkhead bit, and whether I will need washers, and if so which ones can take the heat? I want to make sure I get a good seal.
Got this finished and had a 'dry run' :roll: with it. Seals were not great but bought some green boss, just in case. Slapped some of it on, and its tight as a drum.

Really happy with the manifold and the thin pipe connector on the tap end. Was hoping for a syphon effect and got a great one. Even with the concave bottom, it only left less than 1/2 pint behind :party:

Here's the pics:



Tidy work bolty :cool:
Personally, I would be concerned that there isn't enough surface area on your manifold, as the keg is quite tall in comparison to it's width, but there's only one way to find out :party:
You may want to watch the last of the drain off from the tun/kettle also. My scrounger was very efficient, in fact too efficient, and it kept dragging the dregs of the kettle/tun into the wort/runnings. I keep a tight eye on the silicon tube now for signs of crap :lol:
I hope there will be pictures of the inaugral brew ;)