Keg carbonation Q?

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Feb 3, 2012
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Hi all,

My Wherry has been in the keg give or take 2weeks now, i know the bottles are carbed as i have had one or two (6 actually) :oops:

How do i know if the keg is carbed up and also how do i know if it's holding pressure as it doesn't have a Pressure guage!

Probably a simple answer but it eludes me at the moment!

Assuming that you've primed it with the requisite amount of sugar and that it is a standard type budget keg you are probably going to get a maximum of 7 to 10 psi before the safety valve kicks in.
The bottom of the barrel will bow out indicating that pressure is building up.
The best way to find out is to draw a glass of beer out - which will initially be cloudy - be very gentle turning the tap :D
Ooooh so your saying i must try beer! :D

This could be a good but very dangerouse (for the beer) idea!

I have read that once a keg is sampled then it must all be drunk within 1 to 2 weeks Is this true as i will need to tell SWMBO about this fact. :lol:

So it's as simple as take a test glass to see if it comes out under a little pressure then?

As stressful as that sounds I'm afraid that is the only way.
You may, of course, have to pour another glass after the first just to make sure that all is ok and then again you will possibly have to do another to recheck.
The keg should be ok down to half volume by which time inject a co2 bulb as required.
That is assuming that it's not all gone by then :drink: