just painted the kitchen with hops :P

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Aug 5, 2012
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following the advice of someone on the forum decided to blend my dry hop additions to maximise flavour extraction so i can skip a day or so of the dry hop,
i made the mistake of filling the blender full with beer and hops- needless to say the resulting pressure when released redecorated the kitchen in a 360 arc :lol: :rofl:

maybe dry blend or use less beer next time? :wha:
.....or use a bit of water to blend your hops....I can imagine putting fermented beer in a blender would cause oxidation.
Never heard of anyone blending hops for dry hopping before! How short a time were you looking for?! 3 days of dry hopping gives plenty of aroma, possibly as much as you're ever going to get.

Or you could just chuck in an extra 10-20 grams :)
was going for a 5 day dry hop rather than the recommended 7 day, and blending it was recommended as people noticed pelleted(basically blended hops) released aroma better-

also have done some 3 day hops before (admittedly in the cool garage) and not really noticed a big improvement, some of the hops just sat there looking green- and i would normally use a hop tea but couldnt be bothered with it and making lunch

also i thought beer might be better as the beer has no o2 in it and with minimum headspace v little o2 to mix in- but yes think i'll be using water next time- had too much co2 released :lol:

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