jailhouse hooch

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Junior Member
Nov 23, 2014
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well today out of boredom I decided to try a jail house style hooch
1kg sugar
5 litres water
2 lemons
2tsp baking yeast
not the best yeast ive learnt that much from forums in my 4weeks of being a homebrewer but bored so thought id have some fun my og was1.089 before pitching yeast can I expect at least 7% or just soda water lol
I think you need a yeast nutrient in there to make it work. I've seen very similar recipes but with 100g lentils added for the nutrient. Comes out bland but alcoholic.
cheers baggy bill I don't have any yet waiting for my delivery to come tues to start my nxt batch of proper brew I had an empty dj mrs out so thought id give it a go while waitng if its sweet soda water eh oh cost about £1 so nothing ventured nothing gained as I said been doing it only 4 weeks so trying new things my vodka or sugar wine as not distilled turned out ok in the end my 2 lager brews are gd I have a toffe apple cider in the bin now my problem is impatience lol but that will come