I've got a few bits and bobs you can have....he said....

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Oct 15, 2013
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So my dad decided he was very pleased that his eldest daughter has decided to take up brewing as a hobby, and offered to donate some stuff he doesn't use any more. "there's a few demijohns and some bottles you can have" he said. "Great, that should be enough to keep me going" said I.

Well, daddy dear turns up this morning with this little lot!!

There's 100 old milk bottles, 60 wine bottles, 2 pressure barrels, 15 demi's, 2 fermenting bins, and a tub full of corks, caps, airlocks ect :thumb: The milk bottles are fab and some have NORTHERN printed into the glass :grin: (I'm from Sheffield....Hendo's booze anyone??)

And last but not by no means least....my favourite part of this huge pile of stuff....my Grandad's bottle capper. He passed away about 13 years ago so I will cherish it, he was a bit of a homebrew legend in his day so here's hoping it brings me some luck! <3

As much as I love Hendo's I can't think of many worse things to make booze out of......but a fishcake butty wine perhaps? Nice little stash you've inherited there!!
yup, feeling VERY lucky today :) I never dreamt he'd bring me this much! better than christmas!

boozy_shoes - I have vague memories of having hendo's as a (very) last resort mixer with dark rum at a house party once...Don't think I'll be making wine with it haha. :drink: :shock: :sick: :sick:
I once took an antibiotic with it as the time for my next dose came round, I wasn't feeling great and it was on the coffee table and the only liquid within an arms reach.
ick! at least I have drunkenness to blame for drinking it 'neat' hahaha.

Markmark - I wish! Lots of wine bubbling away here but there's none to drink!

Sometime - he's made me promise that there will be a constant supply of booze coming his way...I'd better get this lot filled up quick!

IceColdRum (lovin the name btw!) - oh yes, should probably explain.....
from their website (because I couldn't think of a way to describe it without referring to lea & pe**ins!):

"Henderson’s Relish is unique in its aroma and flavour. It can be used as both a sauce on meat dishes, soups, and marinades. The special mix of spices is combined with our secret recipe producing Hendersons unique sauce. The way in which our sauce is blended is still a closely guarded secret and at least once a year a rumour sweeps through Sheffield that the owner is retiring and taking the secret recipe with him. Upon hearing this supermarket shelves are cleared as people stock up on their favourite sauce.
Fortunately all these rumours are unfounded and Hendersons is going from strength to strength."

Lovely stuff! :)
Ah thanks GeanieO so it's a condiment along the lines of Worcestershire Sauce (but I'm sure a lot nicer :D ) yes I now understand the ick faces and agree :sick:

Cheers I like the name too :tongue:
Now I want Hendersons your bugger!

Managed to forget the only thing I miss from living (well, OK, not the only thing) in Chesterfield and moving to Scotland.

They should stock it here too...