Isinglasss & cloudy beer, Temperature?

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Dragon Tales

New Member
Jun 18, 2010
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Can anyone advise?
I've got 2 x five gall barrels of grain mashed bitter laid down to mature, Brewed within a few days of each other and OG: 1049 & 1044 respectively.
I primed (2oz demerara) and fined (isinglass liquid sachet) each and due to the hot weather recently, placed both under the stairs.
Both fermentations had worked themselves out (SG: 1012) before doing this and I racked off and settled each for a few days before barrelling. Both beers were clear before final barreling. Beer was barrelled 23rd June & 30th June respectively and it's now 12th July. I'd have expected the Isinglass to have cleared the beer after a few days of conditioning fermentation in the barrells but both are still cloudy. I've cracked open both taps to sample a few inches of the brews 3 times over a few days recently, so I know the yeast isn't settled in the floating tap mechanism (kingkegs both) and that the brews have not been infected. The taste is gradually coming good. Both barrels have top pressure as you'd expect. My suspicion is that with outside temp at a steady 25c and under stairs between 19 & 21c the isinglass can't function.
I can't place the barrels anywhere else in the house and can't keep replacing damp towels over them till it clears.
Any advice please?
PS: the brews were of the same recipe ( one of my own mash recipes Pale & Crystal malt & % 10% raw cane sugar.) and the second was a less efficient extraction/sparge.
I know what you mean but I didn't use any flaked, torrified barley or wheat grain. As I said, it was a pale malt 7 1/2 lb, crystal malt 8 oz and raw cane sugar 1lb recipe. Not sure what to do with nowhere coolish to rest/store beer. Regarding, current batches, I can move to cold bath but obviously not for long! If 25 c was the stop temp for Isinglass, I'd expect it to struggle at 21 'ish I suppose. Youngs Ale Yeast was used in both cases.
Where did the isinglass come from? In liquid form it MUST be kept in the fridge . . . a fact our beloved LHBS's tend to ignore . . . if it gets above 20C it starts to degrade rapidly . . . RFU Isinglass has a shelf life when stored cool of a month . . . although it does still work well after this time . . . you just need to use more of it . . . . Gelatine is a much more temperature stable fining product for home brewers . . . and easier to use
You're probably right and I'll use gelatine next time as it works by physical action rather than the black magic of charged particlal attraction. It may help get round the temperature requirement for isinglass. Still, no avoiding the fact that my beer's being stored warmer than it'd like. Until I can get an old fridge (and room to keep it!) I'll have to carry on as I am or pray for an awful summer!
It might help it might not but iv just had to stick a load of frozen water bottles around and on my FV to keep temp down so that might help as well

BarnsleyBrewer said:
Dragon Tales said:
I'll have to carry on as I am or pray for an awful summer!

Stop praying, the weather's gone *****!! :?

my understanding is the weather all ways go's bad in wombwell, well it did every time i stayed there seemed it had to rain heavy at least once a week or was that just me bringing the bad weather up with me lol