Is there a London home brew shop?

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Aug 17, 2010
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I mentioned this in a previous post.

Is there a homebrew shop in London? The closest I can find using the tinterweb is the Colchester Homebrew store.......
Beersunlimited in westcliffe near southend. Got to be nearer london than colchester... but still a way... unless you want to go to the seaside on route! :)
Hi Riblau.... naaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. **** innit!

Sorry. *cough* I'm in london and there's nothing around here. The nearest one of any quality is in .. hmmm .. that's odd, seems to have disappeared. There's one in chessington and there's a little chemist in broxborne that stocks a few things.

Where in London are you?
Tony said:
Where in London are you?

Central London, near earls court.

It's a bit of a pain having to order everything online, especially as it's the sort of thing that it's good to be able to talk things over with an expert (or at least get an opinion from someone face to face)
That's true, I really miss being able to go into somewhere and chat!

There used to be one in the east end somewhere - but (and I'm not saying this has anything to do with the brews), my memory is not what it used to be. Try a google search for homebrew in london .. it may still be listed.

Edit - tried looking: Spensers Homebrew in Rayners Lane - The Beer Shop in Pitfield St - The Beer Works: SE7

But these come and go .. chances are they're not still around. I even toyed witthe idea of opening one myself .. then I discovered why there aren't any around here - small profits eaten into by online shops (among other things).
31bb3 said:
Anyone noticed a gap in the market ??????
Someone could always open 1 :D

heh heh - Hey Eddie! Just edited my reply above .... suicide it would seem.

When's the holiday?
Not really London but there is one in Hornchurch. It's only a chemist shop with some bits and bobs though; some grain, hops and FVs etc but very expensive. Sells a lot of kits, both beer and wine IIRC.

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