Is my ferment stuck or finished?

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New Member
Sep 2, 2009
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Hi I hope someone can help advise me.
My first cider attempt has ground to a halt after about 4 days of merry bubbling through the airlock.

It's a gallon demi-john of pressed apples plus so2 and yeast and nutrients. I was expecting the fermenting to take longer. I've measured the SG which seems to be down to 1.000. I didn't add any extra sugar during the fermentation (assuming I'd have a bit longer to do it).

Is it just ready to bottle or should I tinker with it and add more nutrients or something to gee it up a bit?
Would appreciate any thoughts!
Leave it a couple of more days to see that the gravity doesn't fall much lower and then bottle it :thumb:
Has the temperature dippedto arround 15c?
I think I read that could make the yeasties dorment or kill them off