Is my beer infected?

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Jan 4, 2013
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My beer has developed a thin white film and now bubbles on the surface after fermentation has ended. I've never seen this before, is it infected.



Unfortunately yes it is, it looks like what I had a couple of brews ago, Brettanomyces. Best to throw it away unless you like sour beers :sick: . I've just got two new fermenters and I've thrown my old fermenter out not had any problems since (and I now put my brews under airlock which has worked a treat!).

Do you have any scratches in your fermenter? That was the problem with my old fermenter, it meant I could never get it properly clean.

Sorry about your beer :cry: best advise is to get back on the brewing horse and make some more! :D
Dammit, I've had that FV for 12 years and I always use plastic instruments and clean + sanitize before use.
better to replace for sure. not worth risking another batch, and it's had a good run for sure!

it will make good vinegar if you want to save some for pickling :lol:
Jimmy321 said:
Dammit, I've had that FV for 12 years and I always use plastic instruments and clean + sanitize before use.

12 years may be the key... I gather they're pretty much considered a consumable item.

Sorry about the beer and thanks for the pics they are useful to everyone else.
paulpj26 said:
Unfortunately yes it is, it looks like what I had a couple of brews ago, Brettanomyces.

Can anyone confirm YAY or NAY if this is the same wild yeast strain that is used to sour lambics, if it is I may as well add some fruit to in and leave it in the garage for a few months as the FV will be getting binned any way (assuming the FV is a suitable container)
Kegged this today as it looked exactly the same as when I took the picture and it tasted fine, left about 4l in the FV just in case any infection had not reached that far down. The sample was taken just below the surface so I presume it's OK but time will tell.