Is is ready?

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Active Member
Jul 19, 2011
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I started a Coopers lager kit on the 22/7 with an og of 1035. On the 29th I had a reading of 1012 followed by two readings of 1011 and that's where I am today.

The only reason I ask if its ready yet is because when I pour the beer into the hydrometer tube there are quite a lot of bubbles and it also has a head, so I have to leave it for 10 minutes for it to go flat so I can get a good reading.

Perhaps its worth mentioning that inside the fv on the surface there are a few islands of bubbles and some bubbles clinging to the edge where the brew touches the side of the bucket. Its a new Coopers fv and doesn't have an airlock.

What do you think?

Just one further thing. I just put my hydrometer in tap water and it reads about 998.
Does this mean I should alter my readings by 2 or is it close enough?

blackrat said:
Just one further thing. I just put my hydrometer in tap water and it reads about 998.
Does this mean I should alter my readings by 2 or is it close enough?


Did you check water temp before you took the reading?

Have a look and there should be a temp on the hydrometer it's calibrated to, prob 20 degrees.

If the liquid you measure isn't close to 20 degrees you'll need to correct it with the forum calculator (top left)
Hmmm, that's a bit lower than what I got, I think mine turned out at about 5%. (Then again, the Cooper's instructions tell you to add 0.5% to the FG to account for the priming sugar).

If you haven't added the 0.5%, then it should be around 3.5%, & Carlsberg's around that I believe :)

It's probably better at 3.5, I couldn't feel my knees after 4 or 5, & was a bit hard to stomach at first :drunk:

All the best & hope it turns out well :thumb: