Irish Red Ale for camping weekend.

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In need of constant supervision
Supporting Member
Dec 28, 2018
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Ballinderry Upper
A mate has just booked camping for 1st weekend in August, so I've 6 weeks to turn around something to put into a minikeg before then. 1st problem, he has some sort of reaction to wheat beer so thats the hefeweissen out. Second problem, I'm away weeks 3 and 4 which is inconvenient from a timing point of view. Here's the plan.

4.5kg MO
150g Crisp Light Crystal
150g Crisp Medium Crystal
100g Roasted Barley
Balanced water profile, 60 minute mash at 67C
Fuggles, 40g at 60min, 20g at 15min
Lallbrew Windsor

Brew next weekend. Show No.2 son how to how to switch the Inkbird to over cold crash weekend 3 while I'm away. Weekend 4 I'll get back home, fine it then get 5L into a mini keg. That'll get carbed with a couple of CO2 capsules over the next 10days then we're off.
A mate has just booked camping for 1st weekend in August, so I've 6 weeks to turn around something to put into a minikeg before then. 1st problem, he has some sort of reaction to wheat beer so thats the hefeweissen out. Second problem, I'm away weeks 3 and 4 which is inconvenient from a timing point of view. Here's the plan.

4.5kg MO
150g Crisp Light Crystal
150g Crisp Medium Crystal
100g Roasted Barley
Balanced water profile, 60 minute mash at 67C
Fuggles, 40g at 60min, 20g at 15min
Lallbrew Windsor

Brew next weekend. Show No.2 son how to how to switch the Inkbird to over cold crash weekend 3 while I'm away. Weekend 4 I'll get back home, fine it then get 5L into a mini keg. That'll get carbed with a couple of CO2 capsules over the next 10days then we're off.

That sounds excellent. An Irish Red is most certainly on my agenda before the end of this year. I'll definitely be keeping this grist in mind.
It’s kind of a distillate of what the guys were talking about on last weeks Brülosophy podcast. I went with a dried yeast as I won’t have time to get a starter organised. Wy1084 would have been my first choice.
Haven’t seen much on tap recently, had a pint of Hallion in Belfast last weekend which wasn’t bad.
I remember Caffrey's having a reputation as strong beer so googled it and found this on Wikipedia "At its launch Caffrey's was brewed to 5.2% ABV. In 2001 it was reduced to 4.2% and to 3.8% in 2010 in an attempt to halt declining sales "
@samale, Haven’t had Franciscan Well recently, or Smithwicks fir that matter. I’ll have to keep an eye out now pubs are reopening.

@RichardM, I hadn’t realised the strength change over time. The 5%ABV explains my experience when it first appeared in pubs during my student days. I had half a dozen or more and ended up in a eater advanced state of refreshment.
Hi Alastair have you tried the Red X malt it is supposed to give that red tinge if used with Crystal malts. I have and you do get a red tinge but only in certain light

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