I'm real keen to try it. it would be my first attempt at al grain. What put me off all grain is how labour intensive it seems. I'm temporary living back with the folks so I couldnt expect them to put up with all the kit it needs :lol: . BIAB on the other hand wouldnt take up any space at all.
My only reservation is that because you begin the brew with the same amount of water you finish with, and your going to loose a lot of to the grain. this isnt a problem if your doing a 30+ litres, but I was hoping to use a 25L fv boiler for this. You could potentialy end up with a significant reduction in final product....or so is my vague understanding :hmm:.
One of my other motives to move to all grain is to to try and replicate some Czech and German lager beer styles. I don't know how well this sort of set up would work for this. According to some of the stuff Iv read so far though any recipe you can brew with a traditional set up can be done with this method.
I am optimistic :drink: