Instructions on how to self poison with Elderberrys.

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Active Member
May 6, 2012
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Caldmore (Karma) Walsall
1:Pick Elderberrys.
2:Sample recently picked Elderberrys.
3:De-stem Elderberrys
4:Eat more Elderberrys including leftovers.
5:Pulp Elderberrys
6:Drink a couple of cups of Elderberry juice.
7:Finish making wine
8:Enjoy three days of complete and utter digestive hell.
First off, the plural of berry is berries.
Secondly, I can't understand how anyone can eat elderberries in any quantity or drink their unfermented juice :sick:

When you say "pulp elderberrys" (sic), what method are you using?

Elderberries should be mashed, not pulped. You want to break the skins and release the juices without smashing the pips.

It's true that many fruit pips and stone fruit kernels contain miniscule quantities of cyanides, but you've got to break an awful lot of them to upset your guts. Unbroken pips will pass straight through you. You don't have to smash many stone fruit kernels to taint your wine and make it unpalatable but it would take rather a lot to actually poison yourself.
Sorry but is my sense of humour just not in tune with yours :wha: :wha:

Had you been on the sherbets again when you posted this or where you sober :lol: :lol:
Moley said:
I can't understand how anyone can eat elderberries in any quantity or drink their unfermented juice :sick:

The wonderful people at Cairn O' Mohr sell fresh unpasteurised Elderberry juice... It's rank. It does however add a certain something to stews and whatnot, the sort of astringency that you get from Tamarind in Asian cooking...
Yes I'm afraid eating Elderberries is not on a par with eating Blackberries..... :sick:
However as an addition to other fruits they are wonderful and a handful thrown in can make a real improvement Especially in Blackberry pies..... :cool:
Ok Gray, I'm sure your mother told you many moons ago, if you haven't got anything nice to say... :thumb:
Anyway, thank you for your recipe for the elderberry wine.

Also, I hate using bad grammar so thank you for pointing that out.

To make myself a drink I used a centrifugal juicer which just separated the seeds and the skin from the juice (Very wasteful I have found) and to actually make the wine I used a potato masher. Today hasn't been so bad but for the last two nights I have had to get up every hour, I had read contrasting stories about the seeds being poisonous and and another source would say that a fully ripened Elderberry was harmless so I thought that I would give it a go for myself.
If you really want to poison yourself with cyanide, you can smoke hydrangea leaves.
Or so I'm told.
Molineux said:
Ok Gray, I'm sure your mother told you many moons ago, if you haven't got anything nice to say... :thumb:

My mother many moons ago also told me if you haven't got anything constructive to say don't open your mouth, that way people don't think you are stupid.

mine use to say " better to stay quiet and appear a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all element of doubt ! "
Crastney said:
molineux - is there anything else you've digested that could have caused the tummy rumbles?

I have spent a long time thinking about that and the only new addition to my diet was the Elderberries.

And very true PiddleDribble, I love that saying and it does paint my picture quite well in these circumstances..
*In an Attenborough voice*
"And so, the Homosapien locates an unidentified tree and decides to investigate"

"UMMM Pretty Berries!" *NOM NOM NOM* "BLEUGHH"
It could be the acid levels rather than the cyanide, elderberries are very high in tannin.

I get really bad stomach cramps if I eat too many apples or drink over half a pint of apple juice, I can however manage cider :)
i am not intrested in the whys and wherefores of the op.

but to help clear up a few pointers to people who do not understand some of the points here.
raw uncooked elderberies can give you terrable stomach problems,
which is why we dont eat them raw. in the same way that raw rhubarb is bad but cooked and covered in lashings of custard is fantastic so are elderberries.

an elderberry has naturally high levels of toxins in the berries, so to proccess them into another usable product they need heat treating in some form,

for wine a simple fork to remove the berries from the stems works best,
to make wine we can heat treat by steeping in boiling water or as i do i use a steam extractor to obtain a base liquid for wine making and its also the basis for my homemade cough syrup,

i do use raw elderberries when making elderbery and apple pies, but as the apples as also raw and the lot go through the oven before drowning in custard they become safe to eat.

when i go out foraging for elderberiess i do try a single raw berry for the sugar levels as some trees produce better levels than others, but we are talking here a max of ten berries ish a trip and i do have a cast iron stomach when it comes to poor quality foods, thats the reason i have never suffered from stomach problems when eating food abroad, inc deli belly

if you wish to try to pretest your berries for wine or other reasons first i would suggest a sugar testing device,
i use a Brix Refractometer 0-32% ATC Fruit Juic,Wine,Sugar Tester it cost about £25 from honkers including delivery to blighty, grab a couple of berries, bust them in your fingers and drop a drip onto the test screen and view the results, its very interesting to see that some trees produce a better or higher sugar content to others.
hedgerow pete said:
when i go out foraging for elderberiess i do try a single raw berry for the sugar levels as some trees produce better levels than others, but we are talking here a max of ten berries ish a trip
Ditto, you have to taste a few, but even then I tend to squash them between the tongue and the roof of my mouth and then spit out the skin and pips.
hedgerow pete said:
but we are talking here a max of ten berries ish a trip...
When they first fully rippen every year I normally eat a whole sprig or two (if that is the right word) so around 30 berries and have never had a problem. I am always careful not to to crush the pips though as I was aware that they are bad in quantity. I also like eating plum kernals, the bit inside the hard stone which tastes of almonds, although I'm told that they are quite bad too.

It is wise with most things to have limited quantities, even things like potatoes and runner beans can be quite poisonous and people do occasionally kill themselves with pure water.
graysalchemy said:
Molineux said:
Ok Gray, I'm sure your mother told you many moons ago, if you haven't got anything nice to say... :thumb:

My mother many moons ago also told me if you haven't got anything constructive to say don't open your mouth, that way people don't think you are stupid.


I can't remember who said it but there is a famous quote which goes something like
Better to keep your mouth shut and appear dumb than open it and remove all doubt